Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Whoops Of Joy
03-01-2002 E 8:11 p.m.
'Ullo. Today's been a pretty darn good day, though I'm considerably poorer. Mom's birthday is Tuesday, and for some reason I got it in my head to look up a couple thangs she would like to have. Several years ago, I believe when I was still in high school, we rented two movies made from early Harlequin books. Mom really liked 'em. And coincidentally, the books were by zee same author. Well, she would like zee books to read. And she would like a better copy of the recording of the one set in Scotland, Dreams Lost, Dreams Found. It's her favorite of the two. The other is set mostly in Italy. Mom has the tape to this one; Dad bought it when the rental place was selling off older movies. They recorded Dreams, but it's sorta out of focus.

So I thought, What the hey, wonder if they have the books? and went searching. Well, Dreams was only listed as a movie. Trying to find the book form was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I never did find the needle, so I figured she'd be happy with the video. There were only five left, I didn't want to chance it. I bought it. Love With a Perfect Stranger however, was easier to track. I returned to A Mystical Unicorn Online Used Bookstore and looked up the author. Luckily, she was listed!! Yay! *claps hands* So, I clicked on her name and lo and behold, Love was among the titles in stock! So there you have it, the biggest purchase I've made on the net, and all for a good cause.

But my splurge didn't end there with only two purchases. Before I even looked for those two I ordered a movie for me. I didn't think about if I were to be successful finding those things for Mom. So that's it then. My biggest net buy ever, and I think it might be me last. I mean I'll buy more stuff, but not that big of a splurge. I cain't afford it.

I'm excited to see her face when she sees the gift. I was telling everyone I could; I so badly wanted to tell her what I got her, but I controled myself. I still wanna tell her. I've got to decide if I'll get the most satisfaction in waiting and presenting or in telling her now.

I don't like saying this, but I'm a wuss. I fall to pieces at the sight of a hypodermic needle. I go white and tense up, I even bawl before they stick me. BUT NOT TODAY! I saw the vampires and lived to tell about it. Wooohoo! They needed to check my blood levels on the Valproic Acid I take before prescribing more pills. It was totally odd. I was calm; it wasn't even a big deal to me. I think because I've been expecting it since Tuesday. I did tense up a bit, but only in trying to hold absolutely still. I always request a butterfly needle--a pediatric size (yeah I told you I'm a wuss). It was so unlike me. I felt detached. There were no tears, no overwhelming fear, just aprehension. I was so DARN proud of meself. First time I've never cried during a blood draw. I was on top of the world. It was awesome. I wanted to treat myself, but remember, I'm broke! Ha ha.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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