Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
02-28-2002 E 6:38 p.m.
For some reason I'm feelin' sentimental tonight. I don't know why. Could be all the emotion runnin' around, I guess. Mom, Kami...a friend. I've come outta retirement; I'm no Ann Landers, but I seem to be giving advice again just the same. And I like it. At Ricks friends used to come to me sometimes and would just let loose. I'd listen and give ideas or suggestions, but it would always be their choice of what they did. I love to listen and if anyone needs a sounding board without judgement or bossiness I'll be there for them.

It feels good to be a listener again. To have someone turn to me again. But at the same time, it's strange. Strange because my friend, a pen pal, is sort of in a position I once was in. There are differences of course, but the similarities are so alike. I almost feel like her mentor, and I love helping her through this crush of hers. Strange because I've been in her shoes and can sympathize with her instead of empathizing. I don't know how it will end up, but I hope better than my experience.

Mom on the other hand is harder. She and Kami have a negative expectation thing going on. Mom is so tired of my sis telling her how she (Mom) feels about something, that Mom now just plays into Kami's negative expectations. But in order for that to have started Mom had to have given enough negative responses without clarifying her exact thoughts. Kami got a new haircut. It's really cute and flattering. The front and sides remind me of a hairstyle Goldie Hawn had in her younger days. The sides part in the middle and come down to flip out a lil and then the rest is layered, framing her face. It goes to her shoulders. Mom hates the front and sides; she thinks they look like the horns of a muskox. *sigh* But she didn't bother to tell Kami she liked the rest. And in doing so, she hurt Kami's feelings. I tried telling her if she didn't try to explain her true thoughts, Kami would continue in her thinking the way she does about Mom's feelings. I donno if they'll ever try and break the cycle.

Here's a list my friend Heather sent me that I thought I would add to end the entry on a good note:

What a way to end the month of romance and friendship, huh? *soft smile*

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moon phase


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