Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
When You're Tired, the Simplest Things Can Be Funny
11-25-2002 E 4:01 p.m.
I love how fast my browser loads now that AOL is off my computer. But having the other computer as Internet proxy to mine kinda sucks. It's (the other comp) kinda in a tight area which makes it hard for my wheelchair to manuver(sp?) in. We tried having my comp as the proxy, but my system is so old it said, "Sorry, can't do it."

It's amazing how late at night the most inane things can crack up intelligent people. Jon noticed somebody'd (Mom and Dad) had the road atlas of the States out. On a whim he looked at Oregon, where his friend Daniel used to live. We found some pretty interesting names as he read them out loud. They may not be funny in light of day, but man they were hilarious last night. There are a lot of Indian names there, but discounting those he found some bizarre names of cities.

-- Bend
-- Zigzag (I wonder, is this the place where the crooked man in the crooked house on the crooked lane lives?)
-- Cape Lookout (Is this where spies stood on hill wearing capes? Or are there so many "capers" people have to cry "Lookout!")
-- South Beach and North Point (What's bizarre about these, you ask? Nothing until you look at their locations; South Beach is in North Oregon, North Point in South Oregon. Whoever named these musta stayed home from school the day they taught the cardinal directions.)
And finally the best for last...
-- Boring, Oregon ("Where do you live?" "Oh you don't wanna know." "Yes, I do. Where do you live?" "Really, no you don't.... All right then. Boring." "It can't be that bad. Where do you live really?" "Boring, Oregon. Seriously, that's the name of my town.")
The poor people of Boring really must have nothing to do, or their forefathers really lacked originality or imagination if all they could come up with was Boring. Then again, that area could have been so boring it was aptly named.

No pun intended, but if you ever get bored or want a good laugh, try reading your atlas late at night.

Btw, as soon I entered yesterday's entry the furnace started working. Such a contrary thang! LOL.
You have to wonder about humans, they think God is dead and Elvis is still alive!

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