Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
"What If" Is the Devil's Advocate's Favorite Scenario
03-01-2004 E 5:50 p.m.
It's March already folks. Two months of the new year gone already. *sigh* Two months since I was guy-free. With the exception of Milo, I with I had the guy-free moments back. It was peaceful and less mind-bogling. And less irritating. But I already discussed that part in the previous entry.

Now, however, Heather has pointed a new, very strange, possibility, a new example of our soul sisterhood. To explain briefly before going into the example, our lives seem to parallel one another a bit. If one gets in to a certain situation, the other is sure to get into a similar situation sometime down the road. Heather had her guy entanglements towards the end of last year. Now, she says it's my turn.

Saturday I accompanied Dad, Mom and Noah down to Price to see Kami. Dad grumped because of the weather conditions and because he wished to stay at home. The other odd, uncomfortable thing about this trip was I caught Noah staring, or gazing off, in my direction several times. I don't know if he--which I suspect was the case--just was zoning out and I caught him at it, or if he really was staring at me for some reason. One time was when I was eating, another when I think I was watching television and another when I was in the car. When he saw that I'd caught him he'd smile and/or wink at me. As I told Heather it was uncomfortable.

This started a long, drawn out convo with her playing devil's advocate. "Perhaps he's looking at you and wondering 'What if...?'"

"You said Kami and Noah are on the rocks. What if in a few months he started looking at and turning to you? Would that bother you?"

Um...as I told her I highly doubt it will come to that.

That pretty much said it all. And why I highly doubt Heather's take on Noah's behavior. If he was starting to look at me in that different light he wouldn't have said I'd find someone better and he would have given some sort of signal of interest. Not just the "Nothing" I got anytime I asked "What?" whenever I caught him staring off.

No, he's not even remotely interested, and even if by some surprising chance he is I dunno if I'd pursue it. It'd be odd and I don't want to deal with Kami's emotions on the subject. But it made for an interesting conversation.

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moon phase


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