Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Even My Subconscious Has a Hobby
02-28-2003 E 2:11 p.m.
I'm back in dreamland. Crazy or weird dreams seem to be my subconscious' hobby I've decided. Almost every night this week (or early in the morning) has been one odd dream after another. You know I've never been good at interpreting my own dreams, although I can sometimes pinpoint why or where some elements are and come from in my dreams. But this week... *shakes head* the elements seem to come outta nowhere.

The first dream was a Harry Potter remake. But the characters, plot and castle were different. Except for me being the boy wizard, that is. (Hey, it's not the first time I dreamed I was a guy. I was a male steward on a cruise in another dream...) The castle's security had been breached and some of the students had been kidnapped by some unknown enemy. The headmaster told me I was their only hope, and that I had a special gift...fire breathing. I just needed to develop it. He showed me how and left me laying on the sofa in the stone lobby trying to breathe in deeply and exhaling with force. All that came out each time I tried were a few paltry orange sparks. Even a bit discouraged, yet determined, I still felt the tiny bit of heat from the sparks.

Odd and silly, I know. But as I said, crazy and weird seem to be my subconscious' hobby. I woke up before the sparks could turn into a good flame.

My next dream I have nnnooo idea where the components came from. I dreamed I was married and it was my reception. However, strangely enough, my husband wasn't there and neither were many guests. *frowns* My bridesmaids were my high school friends, and they were in garden party dresses like you see in the South. The dresses were Easter egg blue and their hats were the big floppy kind. And what held their hats on were crowns of flowers, each different. One had pink roses, another had yellow daisies, etc. etc. All I remember was watching them flit about on the grass and feeling like I was viewing a movie. I was dismayed my reception was dissolving into chaos.

And then last night's was about a guy calling my sister, Kami and wanting her to hunt for leprechauns with him. She said no, thinking him nuts as leprechauns are fantasy. I offered to go with him as I'm obviously interested in them. Somehow it turned into a dream about a happy lil irridescent scorpion which I tried to avoid. He was a pet of a friend and wasn't at all malicious, but the fact remained he had a bloomin' stinger. Which of course, ended up in my pinky finger. The dream was so real, I could feel the burning pain radiating down my hand.

I dunno what to make of these; I wish I did. Because then I could make sense of what internal issues my subconscious is trying to deal with. I wonder...what I'll dream about tonight, or if...I will?
Kindness is a language which the deaf man can hear and the blind man can read.
~Mark Twain~

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moon phase


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