Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Long Pent Up Vent
01-24-2002 E 7:51 p.m.
My second week down, and both classes are really enjoyable. Right now Writing is just a review of what I've learned in communication classes and in journalism. So it's been kinda fun.

The guy came today to inspect the house for this care program I have to switch to just so Mom can continue getting paid to help me. Once again I say it, but I so think it is stupid. All these rules and regulations allowing me to stay at home until I graduate in May? Not to mention zee paperwork. Oh and get this, they have a living will drawn up with certain choices that I had to sign! I know it's melodramatic of me, but I felt like a person who's had life insurance taken out on them and people are just waiting for them to die. I'm too young to think about a will! I'm only 26! True, you never know when you'll die, but still...

All things considered, it went well. The house passed inspection, but Mom needs to complete a few more things in the paperwork.

And it's become apparent we should've just rebuilt my teal wheelchair. The Serpent may be a P-222, considered top of the line in that series of wheelchairs, but the P-200 has proven to be long lasting compared with what I'm experiencing with the Serpent. It already needs a new motor and bearing for the right front tire. This makes for a noisy and jerky ride whenever I try to back up, pivoting on the right back tire. Every day it sounds worse. I told Mom today when I got home from class that if the motor that was ordered doesn't hurry up and get here, I may be driving my old baby soon. And that would be just finearoo for me. =0) I might be free of hip pain for a day.

Oh, did you know I'm a quadriplegic? At least that's what Mom's been telling the guy who came today and the new R.N. who oversees Mom as my care provider. Um, last I heard and knew, quads and paraplegics were people who were paralyzed. I am not paralyzed, thank you very much. I have feeling in my lower half and can move my legs, though I can't stand or walk. I have Cerebral Palsy, not spinal damage.

Sorry. I did not mean to vent. In fact, I had a happy entry I was gonna post, but this sorta just spewed forth. It just irks me that I'm stereotyped or downplayed. I try very hard to project an intelligent human being who can contribute to society when people see me. I want that to be my first impression so in time, if they get to know me, they forget about the chair. But how am I supposed to do that if people keep referring to the so-called "fact" I'm a quadriplegic? For a lot of people once labels are given, they see another as that label and it can be very hard to prove yourself otherwise. Did that sentence make sense?

In Mom's defense she used that term because that's how my level of capabilities was defined. Or so she read, but obviously she misread. Here's the true definition: Quadriplegia: a paralysis of both arms and both legs. That is sssoo not me. I'm so tired of people undermining and underestimatimating me! My parents and Nan sometimes give the impression they think I don't ever think of the future, or know as much as I do. If they knew what I was dabbling in at ISU they'd be in shock.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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