Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Just Chillin'
01-25-2002 E 10:32 p.m.
Ok, I've succombed(sp?) to the Harry Potter craze. I joined the diaryring. Plus I'll be adding Ravenclaw's crest to my page of rings. I just figured that's the House I'd belong to if the world of Hogwarts was real. That is, if I had/have enough magic in me to have gone. I'd have to go back to the first book to look at what types of personalities fit in with each House, but I'm pretty sure I'd be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Another reason I chose Ravenclaw is because I have this streak of having to be unique, breaking away from the popular choices unless it's something I like as well.
I have not so hot news. It looks like I won't be graduating this semester. But the good news is I could in the fall. Even if I get good grades this semester, which I do need to do, they might not bring my G.P.A. up to the accepted level to graduate at the end of this semester. So Monday I'm to meet with Susan before class to fill out a petition to drop some classes I got Fs in. Once those are gone my G.P.A. will rise. However, as it rises the amount of credits I have towards graduation will drop. So it'll take an extra semester to make up lost credits. I'm not too upset this because I'd rather graduate with a higher G.P.A. than with a few Fs blotting my transcript. Ah well.

I found out the medical term for me. I'm a quadriperegic. This is someone who has use of all extremeties, but only some control over the muscle movement. I knew I wasn't a quadriplegic. *winks*

I loaded downloaded Winamp. I like it better than Real Player. I can create my playlist from the songs I downloaded from Morpheus and it continues to the next song when I hit play. With Real Player I had to keep My Shared Folder up and click on whatever song I wanted to listen to next. It got annoying. Right now I'm listening to Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now." Remember her?

Now all I gotta do is find somebody with a portable CD burner so I can make my 80s Dream Mix One. *sings "Always Something There to Remind Me" by Naked Eyes now* I had to cut the list to 20-21 songs cause I'm not sure how many a blank CD can hold. I'm told they vary. Gosh, I loved the 80s. Especially the music. *winks* Ok, I better quit because my spelling is worsening. Adios, amigos.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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