Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Entry 2: I'm Probably Being Anal, Like She Said
03-26-2003 E 6:20 p.m.
Howdy. I know you are probably tired of this one complaint of mine (as I am), but as the source is most likely going to be present until April 16th--the day of our presentation--the odds are I'm going to vent about my group periodically till then. Like today.

Well let me back up to Monday, our first "official" meeting with all three of us there. We were to have read the reading Brandon--the one who dropped out--and Courtney vied for when choosing which text each group wanted and have brought notes on our observations. I think I'm the only one who brought them. And when I tried to start a critical discussion, Courtney and Darci shifted the topic to how we'd present the darn thing.

Perhaps I am being anal, as the teacher once hinted of me, and perhaps I'm worrying needlessly about their attitude towards this project. But I can't deny the impression I'm getting: that they think this is just a simple, ho-hum thingamajig that can be put together in just a few meetings. It's not, not unless you're willing to settle for a B or C. This teacher really wants you to think, man. And the type of discussions we have indicates this class revolves around thought provoking responses and interaction. (Warda, I think you'd like this class. Heck, I'd think you'd make a better partner. Too bad we're not in the same place at the same time.)

I guess I'm uptight about this presentation because I'm serious about getting As this semester. It's my last and I wanna go out right. Plus, in my mind it equates to the final exam. Courtney and Darci wouldn't focus on their observations or impressions as much as I was wanting or hoping. It was like they needed to read or reread the text and then sit through a presentation before they--(we)--decided how to pull this together. *sigh* Guess who wasn't there today for the first presentation, and who was? That's right. They weren't and I was.

The presentation was wonderful. They did it on Marie de France and a couple of her lais that we read for class, using Powerpoint. They used medieval art to decorate their notes and important points, and each of the four women took turns explaining something that had interested them. For example, one girl spoke on the jealousy-love relationship between father and son, another spoke on the symbolism of animals and rings in the lais and another spoke on the courtly love between the lovers. They really took this thing seriously.

Which is what I'm trying to get my group to do. Perhaps tomorrow's meeting will be more fruitful. Courtney suggested that we all try to find the ending--ours is an exerpt of a bigger text--on the Internet so we can have a better grasp on the thing so we can present it better. We're also to come with several questions about the text that we have. *sigh* Yes, it's a start, but the notes were to have served the same purpose. If they'd had them we'd be a step ahead than where we are now. But that's crying over spilt milk, I guess. =os No use doing that, as they say.

It's just...so dang frustrating that I seem to be the only one who's taking it seriously and not trying to do things at the last minute. Ha ha. This from the "Procrastination Queen."

Oh, by the by, I got a check plus on my latest response paper. I always freak out then I do a-ok. Seems to be a ritual with moi lately--well ever since this class anyway. Night night.

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