Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Wheelchair Switcharoo, Thursday's Entry
03-28-2003 E 1:35 p.m.
This is Thursday's entry.
I meant to update yesterday, but life literally--and I mean literally--took my power away. (That's why I never came back to the keyboard till later last night, Heather.)

Why is she being so mysterious? Stop talking in riddles and just spit the darn thing out. What is she trying to say, you ask? Well, simply put, the Rainbow Serpent is in the shop, out of commission till Tuesday at least. What I should've done is have called Valley Medical last week during Spring Break, but I didn't obviously. I meant to, but as usual I got distracted. 'Course, I had no idea the chair had other, more serious problems than just an irritating and embarrassing squealing. Cliff (the wheelchair mechanic) found out one of the wheels was low and it, or one of the others, was going to fall off. I don't if the squealing was due to this problem or not, or if it was separate from the tire's problem. But yeah, I was without a wheelchair for two hours until Mom was able to scare up a manual for us to use until Dad unearthed my teal baby from "the dungeon," an affectionate name given to Dad's workshop/cellar by an imaginative lil boy--my brother Mike.

For the most part it's great being back in my teal baby. I sit up straighter; I feel people notice me more than the chair. Only problems are the armrests and horn. I think Dan can switch the arm pads and disconnect the horn--it won't quit blaring.

Why switch the arm pads, you ask? Well, one is on backwards, sticking in instead of out like it's supposed to and making it hard for me to get my hand down to the seat to push up. And the other is broken, falling a bit to the inside, making it also hard to rest my arm. If Dad can switch them, the one will stick outwards as it was meant to, and the other one would lean out and at least have the retractable joystick to lean against. That way I'd have room to stuff my hand down there whenever I needed to push myself up. And if the horn's disconnected, everyone would have peace.

The second plan I have would be to tape the one side so it can't do a Leaning Tower of Pisa impression and then reverse the other arm pad so it sits right and I have more room to push.

Both sound good to me. Though I have to tell ya, I've never had so much trouble with the teal baby needing major repairs or work done in the first year or two I had it as the Serpent has. Any repair needed were minor and could be done in a half an hour to two hours. Yes sir, the teal baby was better in its prime than the Serpent is in its prime! *nods decisively*
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

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