Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Love Unfulfilled
05-11-2002 E 10:00 p.m.
Spider-Man. We did go see it today at the Edwards theater. I now see Tobey Macquire in a new light. In the previews I thought he looked geeky--sorry Monica--but now he's the perfect Spider-Man. He's even cute.

It was a good movie, but not up to par with The Shadow. It was...*searches for the right word*...sobering despite a few funny parts. It followed the comics in a few places, for those who're familiar with them. The story developed his character quite well, I thought, in explaining his reasons for acting as he does and separating himself from totally being Mary Jane's love. I mean he loved her and she him. But Peter knew if he got too close, she would be placed in danger time and again by people trying to get to Spider-Man. He didn't want her or Aunt Mae to suffer. So his love remains unfulfilled. Even though I understand why he couldn't tell her he loved her, why he told her he'd always be her friend, the ending disappointed me. I am a romantic, after all.

But the more I thought about it, the ending fit. Besides, after they'd kissed M.J. knew-or had an inkling--that Peter was Spider-Man. And if she was intelligent enough she'd figure out why Peter said what he did. (Course, it helped to know in the comics they later get married. Thanks, Mike.) The romantic is appeased.

They left it wide open for a sequel. Their love could be answered in that one. *hopes, but doubts* I wonder who the villain in that one will be. The Green Goblin's son, Harry?

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moon phase


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