Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Confusing Paper
05-12-2002 E 7:33 p.m.
Ggrr. I don't know how the heck she wants this research paper. She has a format for the regular 5-page essays we're supposed to follow. And the syllabus says we are to follow that. There's the summary page, the premises of each form, the analysis, the split into smaller groups, the criticisms and lastly my opinion. Ok, sounds simple enough. But is she thinking summary of the paper or the topic itself?

I chose patriarchy. Simple enough; every form of feminism talks about it, treating it like it is an insidious root in the soil of mankind that must be dug up. Not one form has a good thing to say about patriarchy. So I guess that'll be the weakness part of the paper. I'll have to come up with the strengths myself. *sigh* But it just might coincide with the opinion part of it. Or I could bring the church view into it. Then there really isn't a separate part to patriarchy, but the competing views do have two camps within themselves. If I'm to follow format then I'll have to go with those. Oh flipping well. The paper might be six pages.

The girl contacted me about institute. Yay. She was the right person to ask too. She seemed really nice and will get back to me on the schedule. Though she is movin' to Poky to study down there. She said she's gonna miss the program in I.F., but I wrote back and told her she's gonna love it there. The secretaries are nice, the instructors are the real kickers though. They are like kids at times joining in basketball rounds in the gym or playing pool in the game room. They are humorous, gentle men.

It was Kami's commencement dance last night. I think she had fun. Although beautiful, she looked like a Barbie. The style of her pink frothy dress reminded moi of an evening gown one of my Barbies had. And of course, pink is Barbie's signature color. I think if I had a signature color it'd be either a deep red or purple. Adios.
It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.


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