Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Life Turned On Its Axis
06-29-2004 E 5:54 p.m.
The last three, or four, days have been odd. Very odd. My life went from stable and uneventful (to the point of boredom and almost maddening cabin fever) to turning upside down! And I'm not sure I like it.

And it all has to do with guys and the Internet. A very bad combination with me. Yes, I learned my lesson about this a long time ago, and no I didn't seek this latest round out. I just seem to be a magnet for single guys who are looking and/or are from the East. I don't mean from the Eastern United States; I mean from the Eastern world. Eight out of 10 guys who find me come from India, Jordan, Pakistan or Egypt. Five of those eight guys are Indian.

They're relatively nice guys, hardworking and industrious. And sometimes they're quite interesting to talk to. We've talked about likes, dislikes, differences in cultures. Small talk, really. But some of them within a day's or week's time think I'm their sweetheart and have wanted to start a relationship with me.

Um, no thanks. I have not once flirted with any of them to give them such an impression. I have been polite and friendly. But not that friendly. I really thought it was over, but four(?) days ago Parag found me on Yahoo!. He's from India, but is a citizen of our country now. He is a nice guy, but once again I stepped into the old situation.

We'd chatted for a day and even emailed each other once. Then history played its favorite joke on me. I was so tired I didn't even see the signals even though they were right in front of my nose on the screen. (I stayed up till after two, talking to the guy I've gotten to like--though I wish he'd slow down--and then got up early for church. So I way past tired.) *stifles a yawn thinking about it*

"Are you single?" Parag asked.


"When was your last relationship?"

I had to think; my brain was only on three cylinders. "About four or five years ago." (It's actually been six, but as I was out of it at the time, this was the truth.)

"Oh. Have you had a long distance relationship?"

"Yeah, but it didn't work and was expensive."

"Oh. Why? Was it the telephone?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Would you be interested in another long distance relationship?"

"No. Not unless I loved the guy."



"Um, I'm kinda interested in you."


I walked right into that one. Gah.

So yeah. I'm a magnet for weird situations when it deals with guys and the good ole Internet. I also told Kirk I'm in a wheelchair. It doesn't seem to bother him. In fact, he's chosen to pursue me rather than another girl he was interested in at the time he met me. Or found me on Yahoo!. You could blow me away with a feather--or whatever that saying is. I'm never the one anyone chooses or keeps.

And did I say Mach 10 speed? He's now going Mach 12! Now he's chosen a girl to be with he's really going gung ho on this relationship and being together. I can scarcely take it in I'm so floored by this. I kept thinking and waiting for the other shoe to drop, when he would tell me he can't do this, that perhaps he's made a mistake and should try with the other girl. *knocks on wood* But they went their separate ways today. He told her he loves me so that ended her forgiving mood and willingness for a second chance. She split out on him.

All I did was talk to the guy, be myself and perhaps be a bit more bold and naughtier than usual here and there. I wasn't out to hook the guy or "steal" him away. I was just having a good time getting to know another human being with whom I have a lot in common. And I somehow fell for him along the way. Thanks, Heather.

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