Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Theater Thursday On a Sunday: Classics
11-07-2004 E 6:24 p.m.
Eesh, I'm tired. Why I should be this sleepy is a mystery to me, unless it's a combo of a cold and too many late nights. But I slept for almost 12 hours last night! So I really shouldn't be yawning like this, with my eyes tearing up! Eeshamonga!
I was caught up in a mini rollercoaster ride this past week, hence no updating, and so I forgot to do Theater Thursday. So here it is--on a Sunday:

Everyone has their own idea of what a classic movie is. Most would put films such as The Wizard Of Oz, Casablanca and The Godfather on the classics list. We want to know what you think. So, this week there is just one question. What is classic to you?

Give us YOUR list of top 10 "classic" films.

 1) Lord of the Rings trilogy
 2) Ever After: A Cinderella Story
 3) Harry Potter films
 4) Steel Magnolias
 5) The Princess Bride
 6) The Santa Clause films
 7) Under the Tuscan Sun
 8) Only You
 9) Hocus Pocus
10) The Princess Diaries films

I know they said to list the top 10 movies "you", or I, think are classics. To me, "classic" means timeless. Something that will stand the test of time and for generation after generation. So, I tried to think of movies that, in my mind, will not fade into the background as time rolls by and new movies come out. But then, I started thinking as I got farther down the list. I may have hit on a few universal classics, but this is my list, and not everybody will agree on what are classics. So I might as well list a few that I will always like, whether they will become universal or not. And for a bonus movie I will add White Christmas to my list.

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