Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
True Success Is Being Happy With Choices We Make
01-21-2003 E 5:40 p.m.
Howdy all. How's it going? Anybody relatively happy with their life in how it's turned out so far? Or would you change anything here or there? Or could you take a moment now and review, saying with satisfaction, "There isn't anything I would do differently. It wasn't always easy or fun, but I made it through and did what I thought was best."

I know this evaluation may be surprising or seem odd since most of us reading this may be still in the prime of our lives, but what could it hurt? I mean if we can say that now, that we are satisfied with ourselves then we have found success.

Lifetime tv is on a Golden Girls kick this week, showing biographies of each of the "Golden Girls" after its daily hour of the show. So far they've shown Bea Arthur and Betty White. And they've both had quite full and interesting lives. They've made choices that others questioned and perhaps thought were selfish--Ms. Arthur moved her family cross country because her career was taking off, and Ms. White decided against having children because she knew a career was in her future. Just watching these biographies and listening to their thoughts I realized what I stated above. Though life wasn't always easy and could be downright nasty at times, they stuck with it, making the decisions they thought were best at the time and they are happy with the lives they've led. And they're still going strong with the charities they champion and whatever they're doing now.

That's the true measure of success, as I've said. It doesn't matter if you're famous or rich or a success at your career. It only matters if and real success comes when you're happy with how you've led your life. The same can be said of your eternal exaltation. Your choices here and if you're happy with them also determine the success of your exaltation. I know I'm saying this badly, but these women really struck me. I hope by the time I reach their age I can say I wouldn't do anythang different in the major choices that have come my way.
Every advantage in the past is judged in the light of the final issue.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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