Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Home Remedies
01-20-2003 E 4:12 p.m.
I can't believe January is about over. It seems like it just began not too long ago. But then, time loves being perverse. When you want it to fly it drags; when you want it to stop or just...linger a bit longer it flies!

Oh hey, I keep forgetting this. I signed up for Andrew's new venture, Swappintons. I figure it might be fun. And hey, the prospect of winning a free SuperGold or Gold membership was a nice incentive, though I doubted I'd win. But it's still a good idea if you want to get rid of some old items you rarely use anymore and to find other items you may have wanted for awhile. Try it, and be sure to say shiloh26 sent you. *winks*

I think the older I get, and what with many of the shows coming out on tv and the music being produced nowadays, it becomes more evident that for me, the 80s was a wonderful decade or era. I love the music, the style of clothes--if not the poofy hair girls wore--and I prefer the reruns of Cheers, The Cosby Show, Facts of Life, The Golden Girls and I think Family Matters was started in the 80s too, to many of the shows tv stations choose to air.

Nick@Nite plays reruns of The Cosby Show at seven (I believe) then at 10. I usually forget about the one at seven, but I do try to catch it at 10. The Superstation also airs it and Family Matters every weekday starting at 11 in the morning. (I am still determined to see Laura and Steve's wedding in the series finale, when they get to that point.)

Last night though was a funny episode of Cosby. Olivia, Denise's stepdaughter had laryngitis and a cold. And everybody in the house had to put their two cents in about what home remedies would cure her. Poor Cliff, who was the actual doctor, had to sit and listen to the outrageous remedies his family offered. I think his Dad suggested for a tickle in the throat you down rolled up spiderwebs and down it with orange juice. Or mix turpentine and honey and take that. I mean this stuff could kill you! He (Cliff) was looking at everyone like they were quacks! LOL.

The episode reminded me of the home remedies Mom said Grandma used when she and my aunts were sick. Some of the remedies--though I don't remember them--highly amused me. So I thought for lack of anything better to write about, I'd look up a few and share some. The ones I found come from India. I probably should've typed in "american home remedies for colds"--in fact, why don't I do that right now? Hold on.

Found some. Hmmm, apparently turpentine with sugar--I was wrong about the honey--really was used. I guess it depended on the dosage. It was given to you if you had worms. According to Charles, from Portland, Oregon you got rid of warts by rubbing castor oil on it.

Another popular cure for warts according to one other gentleman from NYC, was to gather as many pebbles as you had warts, rub one on each wart, take them to a crossroads and throw the pebbles over your left shoulder. The warts were supposed to go with the pebbles.

This gentleman shares other remedies. If he and his siblings had a cough his "mother would give [them] boiled water that had been sweetened, with a piece of clean cherry bark floating in it." If you wanted to prevent a fever from coming at all that year, "a child should pick the first three violets he found in the spring, and eat them."

A third gentleman from Lincoln, Nebraska recommends yellow dock, sarsiparilla and brown sugar in a tea for swelling or hip joint disease.

And lastly, an older woman remembers the remedies her mother used. "Dog Fennel boiled with lard was used a great deal for sore throat. Elderberry blossom tea was thought to be the best treatment for fever and peppermint...was dried and given when anyone got a stomach ache. People had a dread of being buried alive and a good many times bodies were kept for a week or more just to be sure. People didn't altogether trust doctors to know and some of them didn't have a doctor."

Kinda interesting huh?

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