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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Debate of Noah's Ark
08-29-2003 E 2:13 p.m.
Bbbrrr!!! *shivers* Today is the first day we've really had in months that's been chilly. Forget my comment of yesterday that Fall is nigh onto coming. It may be here already...unless today is just a fluke to surprise us before the weather god descends the Indian days of summer upon us. I mean my hands are like ice!
Right now I'm watching an episode of History's Mysteries about Noah's Ark. Watching this I have one question: If Christians really believe in Christ and, therefore, that zee Bible is true, then why do they say many times that the things in it are stories? Logically, if something is true and people know it to be true, then it is true!

I know there are people out there who are just Christian because they were born to or raised by families of Christian denominations. Personally they have doubts or don't know what to believe in. But for those who say they believe in Christ...it bothers me.

It's like scholars saying King David may or may not have existed. Hello! Of course he existed! If he didn't then who laid with Bathsheba and begat wise Solomon?? It just astounds me that some people doubt the validity of Biblical people while professing to be Christian. But, as Sophia from The Golden Girls says, I digress.

I'm suppose to be talking about Noah's Ark. I just got hung up on how they started the documenntary. You can guess they made it sound as if it was just some marvelous, mysterious story that may or may not be proved if only they could find the ark once and for all. I've watched other speculative documentaries on this subject, and personally, I believe it's partially buried under ice and snow somewhere on Mount Ararat in Turkey. If I remember right, and please correct me if you're more familiar with zee Bible, once the flood receded they found themselves landed on a mountain...?

In the 1940s a French explorer, I forget his name now, sought out the ark and by luck, came across what he (and myself) believed to be the ark. He was able to cut a five foot chunk of wood from this thing from the ice and snow and had it carbon-dated. True, I know this method isn't always as reliable or as accurate as one would hope, but it serves its purpose well enough. The scientists estimated the wood was 5,000-years-old, in the ballpark of when the Flood occurred.

Then sometime after that, when there had been a drought in the villages of Ararat, a grandfather took his eight-year-old grandson to see the "Ark" up the mountain. Later, when grown, the boy would describe what he'd seen to visiting archaeologists. Because of the drought the ice and snow had receded, leaving a wooden vessel almost totally exposed. He and his grandfather explored it. It was roughly the dimensions of the Biblical descriptions of the Ark. There were steps on the outside that only went halfway down the craft, and inside there were three decks with cages on all of them. The lower deck had the biggest cages--bigger than an elephant. There were even cages with wrought iron bars, obviously made for birds.

While many, myself included, believe this is the Ark, there are equally numerous others who believe it's only an unusual rock anomaly. Again, hello! If conditions are right wood petrifies. And anything petrified, from wood, dino eggs and prints to plants, are considered a form of rock. Right? Therefore I still say it's the Ark up there on Mount Ararat. And perhaps it's best that the Turkish gov't. has denied any more investigations at present and that it's claimed once again by ice and snow. It would be as the narrator said, the greatest archaeological find in history. However, with the way many scientists are in their discoveries, putting them on display and involving the media, the Turks may have it right. At any rate it is a wonderful artifact and I think it should be left alone. That way it won't be turned into a display like the unfortunate Titanic. I think it was despicable of that guy to bring up parts of and things from the Titanic to put them on display. It's those people's last resting place, for Pete's sake! It should be considered sacred!

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