Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Test Week
10-29-2001 E 2:44 p.m.
I'm writing early today because I'm not sure if I'll have time later with my Spanish assignment still to do after physical therapy. It's an audio assignment from the book, and Se�ora said it would be easier if I just copied the pages in the book. I haven't been able to do that yet and I imagine it'll take me a good portion of the afternoon to finish.

Eessh, I think my Spanish test will actually be easier than my math one this time. I don't know how to do--well on the assignment there were problems where I got the same answer, but it was from a different way than the example. I followed the examples and directions, but no matter how I followed them, adding or multiplying or dividing, I never got the right anser! But when I just kept timsing(sp?) the numbers I got the right answer! Sheesh! Go figure. I hate this section of math. Please let the next section be easier??

Tomorrow I'm gonna ask Bonnie, the girl who sits beside me if she understands the problems. Because I have no time to go to the math lab. If she can explain it to me before class I'll be eternally grateful because my chances at a better grade on this test will move up. Cause as I said or began to say, I don't know how to do half this stuff.

Jessy wants us to go up to Moscow this weekend. At first I thought it was just Mom, Dad and Kami who were going. Then when Dad told Mom last night Jessy had reserved a room and that it would cost $99 a night because it was "game night," Mom became emphatic about not going. "We can't afford it," she said. "Not right now; not with Christmas around the corner."

So I thought Dad was gonna reschedule. Then Mom asked me this morning if I wanted to go to Jessy's this weekend. Um, I'd love to, but I dunno if I can. The tests take precedence, and as I told Mama I have to see how this week goes. Sure my tests end Thursday, but I'll have homework and it depends on how much I'll have.

It's funny, I used to be the biggest procrastinator in school, but this school year I've tried to get things done before deadline. Even signing up. I just don't like the rush or stress anymore, and I don't wanna deal with it. So I don't, I start when I'm supposed to. Or close to it. *shrugs* I better get on with my afternoon so I have some part of the evening to enjoy. Ta!

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moon phase


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