Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Tables Have Turned
02-24-2004 E 7:35 p.m.
If there is one thing I hate, besides prejudices and narrow-mindedness, it's having the tables turned on me. But then I can't imagine anybody who likes having that happen to them. When last year ended, I was the saner of Heather and me. She had been in love and was boy/man crazy for several months, then after the break up she naturally was hurting and on the rebound. Through it all I was her sounding board, her shoulder to lean on. I was her voice of calm reason, thankfully free of any male entanglements.

Now, however, since almost the beginning of this year I've had two men re-enter my life, at least online that is. Milo and Abe. Abe and I have been talking for several years since we first "met" in the LDS All-Ages chatroom. Sometimes it has been a rocky association because of his taciturn and saturnine self, but there is a kindness in him that draws me. In the chatroom we would "sit in a tree" and talk. He always got the best spots (i.e. safest nooks) so that I had sit close (with his arms 'round me, of course). *smiles fondly in remembrance* He's not an easy man to know or to put up with, but I like him. And it is continuously amazing to me that he constantly has sought me out over the past five or six years to chat whenever he's been online. Lately, he freely admits he likes me, whether as a person only or as a friend I don't know, and may never know. Perhaps he has, indeed, softened as he fears.

Milo and I have our own history as well. He came on the scene around the time Evan was turning me inside out with his wishywashy behavior. He (Milo) found me by random chat on MSN. He was sweet and patient and did not care that I have a disability. He wanted to be with me, but was wary because I had Evan under my skin. I tried to turn my attentions to him and I did like him, but while Evan was about there was no major spark. Then after awhile I would see his name online (Milo's), but he would never answer my greetings. After about the seventh time this happened, I deleted his name from my list. A year or so passed and I'd moved on. Then, of course, he pops on with a greeting, saying he's joined the Navy and is in the Aircrew school. Since, I have gotten online each day with the hope of talking to him. Supposedly he graduated last Thursday or so and now I'm waiting to hear from him what's next.

Now, Heather's the saner one and I'm the one bringing men into the conversations. I hate it when the tables are turned.

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moon phase


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