Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Friday Five: Superstition!
02-13-2004 E 9:09 p.m.
Whelp, I dunno what to say and do about the PSP 7 program. I dunno why it was working one week and is now refusing to bring up the text box. *an idea sparks to life in her brain* I wonder if Daddy's Photosuite would suffice until Heather can get me a copy of Photoshop 5.0? It's so frustrating to have all these cool fonts and noy be able to add them to or make images from them. I'm just wishing Heather can either *ahem* (remember which version I'm talking about here, my dear) snail mail it with the Norton antivirus program disk she's also copying for me or come soon to deliver them both and have some Valentine's fun. I hate feeling so hampered in my ability to create certain layouts that are just bursting to be put on the screen for others to enjoy. (And yes, I'm aware that's a bit dramatic, but it's the truth.)
I wish my old journal, Thoughts of a Writer... had been left up by Diaryland. 'Course, I understand why Andrew doesn't leave journals no longer updated up. I did an entry once upon a time in that journal about superstition. It was good and I'd add it here with this week's Friday Zfive, but unfortunately even if I added a link you would not be able to see the entry. So without further ado...

1) Are you superstitious?

I'm afraid so, though I don't remember how I became so.

2) What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?

Well, to me there's superstitious and then superstitious with an emphasis(sp?). I'm superstitious in that I knock on wood (figuratively and literally when I don't wanna jinx myself after saying something that Murphy's Law would love to turn on me. Then there's the superstitious fellow who avoids anything to do with the numbers 7 or 13, or the football player who has his game rituals. He will religiously follow them before each and every game. Van, Reba's son-in-law from her show is very superstitious. Before every game he will pat or knock on all three sides of a doorway before crossing zee threshold(sp?) and he will pick a big fight with his wife all because he believes his team will win and that he will score a touchdown if he does all this.

3) Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?

I don't know if I have one.

4) Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?

Figuratively I do. People are always using phrases like "Good luck!" or "Break a leg," if they're in show business, or else they wish good or bad kharma on someone. This is the type of luck I believe in. Literally, I believe we make our own luck. We are free to make choices and most often good or bad luck comes the consequences we reap. Other times it's mere coincidence. Believe it or not, I kiss my jade green stuffed plush toy hippo each night as a precaution for good luck on the morrow and Egypt's continued health.

5) Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?

No. Once in awhile I like looking at my horoscope. I do it mostly for amusement to see if it hits the mark that day on what is going on with me, but no, I do not take it seriously.

And it's kinda funny how I was thinking of this sometime ago. On a variation of this topic I believe we make our own fate. Our fate is not written in the stars. That would defeat the purpose of free agency, right? True, there are some things the Lord has in store for us if we're on the path He wants for us that will come no matter the choices we make among any number of good ones. But at the same time, if we make a number of bad choices and do not follow said path the Lord has for us then those things won't come. It all comes down to choices. We make our own luck and set our own destiny. Superstitions are merely acts or phrases to give us courage to follow through and not give up hope.

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