Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
You Know You're From Idaho When...
02-12-2004 E 5:21 p.m.
I am fiercely loyal. Loyal to my friends, to family, to my roots and heritage. I am proud I come from Texas. I am proud of my Celtic heritage, mixed here and there with French, English and Danish bloodlines. Therefore, when Heather sent me this I could not resist putting it up. Texas may be my Home State, but R******, Idaho is my Hometown.

You Know You're From Idaho When...
1) The wind is faster than your truck.
2) Every other vehicle on the road is a 4x4.
3) When the sun goes down you start looking for your coat.
4) In March your vehicle is 43% mud.
5) You leave your keys in the car and the next morning the keys and car are still there.
6) You installed your new computer using a Leatherman tool.
7) You hear the words "stream" or "brook" pronounced "crick."
8) The elevation of most towns exceeds the population.
9) You've broken down on the highway and somebody stops to help you.
10) You can see the stars at night.
11) People drive 200 miles to shop in a real mall.
12) Your great-grandmother is older than the courthouse.
13) You got a set of snow tires for Valentine's Day.
14) The bumper jack in your pickup will lift a house.
15) A girls' basketball game fills the gym.
16) A rodeo is more popular than a rock concert.
17) You can fish, golf, and go skiing all in the same day if you try hard enough.
18) Yellow light means "follow the car in front of you no matter what."
19) Democrats are like salmon: on the Endangered Species list.
20) You wave to someone on the highway because you recognize the truck.
21) You talk about a combine and people don't wonder what you are putting together.
22) In the spring every tenth car you pass is a tractor.
23) When the car in front of you is weaving you suspect a driver from Jefferson County instead of a drunk.
24) Maps and gloves are kept in your vehicle's "jocky box."
25) You have to wait for a flock of sheep to pass in front of you on the road.
26) You actually get these jokes and forward them to all your Idaho friends.

Yyeesssiirr, this is pretty much Idaho, well Southeast Idaho at any rate. As I read through these, I thought, Only in Idaho, and That's so true. I laughed because my mom was raised on a farm and it's always "crick" with her, whether it's a creek, stream or babbling brook. I keep trying to tell her it's "creek" (long e sound). I had to nod my head at a few of them, especially the girls' basketball games. Though not as well packed as a boys' basketball game, they are still well attended. And yes, I get a lot of these jokes, so I'm passing them on, even though you might not be from Idaho.

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