Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sunrises, Sunsets
08-25-2002 E 9:59 p.m.
This is probably a bad idee to try and write an entry this late, but I wanna try to talk about the topic I left untouched: sunrises. Sunsets are beautiful and I see them any time I glance out a window or happen to be out. And though sunrises are the reverse, there's something bout them that I love. I've only been awake to be a part of two in my life--I am not a morning person, if you wake me up before six you may be taking your life in your hands--and they were aweing(sp?) experiences.

The first I remember was as Mom was driving us into Albequerque. The sky had paled and was a swath of pink and brilliant peach. The sun was peeking over the horizon, a half circle of glowing white-orange. It was beautiful. I had never seen anything of nature that beautiful or that moved me as that did. It was my favorite and one of my most memorable moments on the trip to Texas for Christmas in '96. I wish now that I'd been able to capture it on film.

The second sunrise I witnessed was about a week ago before our power was cut. Hence why I'm talking about sunrises. But this one I really didn't see. Then why did I say I was a part of two? Well around dawn I stirred, waking up in time to hear Dad come home from work. My blinds were open and as the sun rose the colors seeped in, coloring my walls. Mostly it was the pale orange that penetrated into my room. It was so unique; I loved it. Even though I couldn't see the actual thing, I was still able to be witness to it in some way. It felt like it was just me, the sun and a sleeping world.

I think I like sunrises so much because they hail new beginnings. Sunsets seem to bring a close to things and sometimes feel so final. That's probably a silly notion as dawn is only hours away each night, but still... I love the sunrise even though I miss it more often than not. I hope many of you have the joy of being a part of it too whenever you can.
I have three treasures. Guard and keep them:
    The first is deep love,
    The second is frugality,
    And the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world.
Because of deep love, one is courageous.
Because of frugality, one is generous.
Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world.


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moon phase


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