Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Star Light, Star Bright...
03-07-2004 E 8:35 p.m.
Like from childhood fantasies, we can still lose ourselves in the stars. What do you wish for when you wish upon a star?

This week's topic ~ Star Light, Star Bright...

The red Chrysler LHS cruised smoothly down the road under the darkening sky. The white orb of the moon had been visible for a few hours, yet its weak light was only now just gaining strength. Dark shadows dappled the sparse landscape of southeastern Idaho as the car continued on its way home. Inside, the two women traveling were tired and eager to make it to their journey's end. The passenger, a young woman of 28, looked out through the windshield and spied the diamond-bright twinkling of the first star.

Star Light, Star Bright, she thought. First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.

The old children's nursery rhyme came to her easily as she gazed at and wished wistfully upon that star.

My wish has been the same for several years now, no matter the star I happen to wish upon. I wish to meet my eternal companion this year.

So far it's been a dream and a wish remained unfulfilled. But someday... Someday I will find the right star with the right magic and my wish will finally be a reality. It's funny really how P-O-Y chose this topic for this week. I hadn't wished on a star in a while, but on the way home from seeing Nan and the girls last week I happened to look up. Through the windshield this bright, bright star captured my attention and in my tired fancy the nursey rhyme popped into my head. On impulse I mentally recited the poem and wished what I've wished for for the last several years: for someone special to love me and someone I can love in return.

I also just finished a book entitled, Stardust of Yesterday by Lynn Kurland. The heroine, Gennivieve, is a dreamer who wished on star in her childhood for a kind and chivalrous knight in shining armor--along with an authentic castle. *smiles* Her wishes come true, but when they do she is afraid to fall in love and so her gentle knight has to woo her. It's an endearing tale and it's neat how the author weaves the magic and power of stardust into the story.

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moon phase


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