Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Caught In a Snowglobe
10-29-2002 E 4:46 p.m.
Howdy from the White North! Yessum the cold white wet stuff has descended upon us, and I'm sorry Heather, but I think it's here for good. At least till the Spring Thaws. Of course, I could be wrong and it could thaw and start melting tomorrow. Personally though, I think we have an early winter. The forecast is predicting more snow tomorrow, I think.

The last few years, since I've been in college at least, I've not liked the snow--I've fishtailed in it, gotten stuck or slid across the accompanying ice. Not fun, plus it's super cold. But this year, right now at least, I don't seem to mind it. I guess because it's new and still pristine...and I haven't had to go out in it yet. (That'll be the real test of my tolerance and beneficience for the snow.)

It started early yesterday morning, and the flakes looked like those in a snowglobe, big and heavy. In fact, we felt (Mom and me) as if we were in a snowglobe, watching the snow fall outside the bay window. It was pretty, but melted soon enough as the afternoon wore on. The snow began again this afternoon, but has stayed.

I think I'm also romanticizing the snow and that is stemming my tolerance for it. Snow angels, building Frosty with the love of your life, snow resting in delicate lacy patterns on your windows, hot cocoa before the fire or before a window watching the snow fall, snuggling before the fire on a cold winter's night or beneath the covers. I might as well enjoy the fantasy of snow before the reality hits, huh? The funny thang is I'm the only one who doesn't seem to mind the snow at the moment in this family.

I think I'm in a strange romantic mood (that is coloring my view of the snow) because of yet another odd dream I had last night. Actually, I had two separate odd dreams last night or this morning before getting up. But I can only remember one. However, I will spare you the oddity of this one. Though I am going to record it in my dream journal. Funny enough, it's one I could easily put an ending to like I did with the alien scientist.

Don't forget to read today's first entry!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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