Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Scientist and the Nurturer
10-23-2002 E 8:11 p.m.
Hmm. I'm a strange one. I went from ghosts on zee brain to alien humanoids. Last night I had one of the most unique dreams I've ever remembered having. Don't ask me where it came from when my subconscious picked up whatever pieces it did to create this adventure.
It was a bit futuristic. A bunch of humans had been taken up to this gigantic ship in outer space. My memory of it started when we were already on the ship. Along with other women, I was strapped into a reclined chair, and guys were resting their weight lightly on top of us. The guy over me was no one I know in real life, but in the dream he was a childhood friend--him, his sister and I had all grown up together and were friends. At the moment though I, as well as the other Earth women, did not understand what was happening, or why we were strapped down (though it seemed our arms were free, cause I kept pushing at Elliot). Panic was a palpable aura around us. Elliot seemed so strong and kept trying to get me to relax with caresses while nuzzling my right jaw. Something he said stopped my frantic squirming for a minute. I can't remember what he said, but the meaning dawned on me a few seconds after he said it. Then the change in him registered to my shocked senses. He wasn't totally human like he'd been before. I realized with horror he was partly responsible for our current distress. He'd "sold us out" or offered our small city to the aliens in exchange for greater abilities. He'd mixed his genes with the aliens to become more than human. The nuzzling I shortly found was a way the alien men used to attach an embryonic sac to the female. Not really conscious of what I was doing in my revulsion and fear, I tore the wet sac off and away from me. He got mad of course and was gonna haul off and hit me. But a male alien, sympathetic to our plight and to my fear, intervened and pulled the enraged Elliot off me. I quickly was put under his protection.
That's where the dream ended, but the impressions I got gave more dimension to the dream than its length usually would allow. I felt the aliens didn't want domination over a people; they were trying to rejuvenate their culture and numbers. Their women were major feminists and had, years before, started refusing to go through the pain of childbirth. They were also the main scientists of their people, so through science and evolution the aliens carried their young in those sacs. Of course they couldn't be very big so they were looking for new ways to develop their young. My second impression was that the male protecting me was a scientist, and I was considered "his" because of that. I think I was also supposed to stand before a tribunal because I'd destroyed a sac. For a dream it was quite complete and detailed. Amazing how my mind could come up with part of a culture that befits a sci-fi flick.

And to prove I'm kookier than I've heretofore (is that a woird?) mentioned, I imagined a final, final ending to zee dream after the dregs of it faded. I always wanted to give an added ending to a dream that kinda went unfinished. It was easy enough. The implied inpending trial before the tribunal. I stood before it--made mostly of female aliens--and defended myself under the guidance of the male scientist. Because of my liking to tell stories, helping and caring for others I was called a Nurturer.

I know, I know! I'm weird! I have an overactive imagination and too much time on my hands. Oh well. At least I'm not completely boring.

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