Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Small Town Life
11-02-2005 E 6:32 p.m.
Feeling-- groggy
Reading-- Exposure by Dee Davis
I'm grateful for-- my religion, for a loving God

I think, the more I ponder it, I would like living in a small community. Not too small, where there is practically nothing by way of entertainment, but small enough to be considered small still--like Murder, She Wrote's Cabot Cove, Maine or Lynn Johnston's Mtigwaki from her comic strip For Better Or For Worse.

I just think it would be cool, where everybody knows you and your family, where there is a town identity and camaraderie among its citizenry, where everyone looks out for each other. And where town events and get-togethers feel like old-fashioned social events, where sewing or craft circles still are a weekly thing.

Of course, living in a small town like this would be a double-edged sword. Everyone in town would know of your illicit deeds or shortly find out about them. There are very few secrets in small towns. Feuds between neighbors or two families could start easily over a simple, stupid thing like bumping into the other person's car accidentally with their own and leaving a dent. Then there is the busybody syndrome. Well-meaning busybodies who interfere or insert themselves in others' business when their "help" is not needed nor wanted.

Despite the double-edged sword of small town life, I think it would be refreshing and fun. It certainly would be a lot more conducive in appreciating the wonders and miracles happening around us and in appreciating Mother Nature herself. It would, perhaps--at least I think so--re-establish and firm up the family unit. I think life gets too congested and overpowered by city life and all the new technology available. Small town life keeps things simple and puts you in a position where it isn't as easy to isolate yourself and hole up with the latest technology. It encourages people to interact, to be social.

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