Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sleepovers--When Girls Go Wild
01-06-2003 E 5:30 p.m.
Howdy. Vacation is truly over. The kids grudgingly went back to school today. And while it was nice to have peace and quiet, it was a reminder my own imminent return is not too far off.=0{ Oh well, good thangs can't always last, can they?

Like sleepovers. In the last week, I bet Aubree has had three (or been to three). A sleepover for a girl means it is time to let loose and show a more devilish and daring side of yourself. Games like Truth Or Dare, Spin the Bottle and prank calls are on the agenda, as may be scary movies parents normally wouldn't allow. And as you get older, you drool over boys and go gaga with your friends and put Josie's (who had the misfortune to fall asleep first) bra in the freezer. Scary movies still prevail as part of the fun, but instead of Truth or Dare, you and your friends might go t.p. the house of a rival for Michael's affections, or your gang might go mooning along the highway.

Yes sir, with sleepovers there's an unspoken rule among girls that it's ok to let loose and party, but just...don't be the first to fall asleep. If you do, you'll be fair game, like Josie.

Most of the sleepovers I've been to--or had--have been tame. Oh sure, we prank called and watched movies or played Truth Or Dare. But we never t.p.ed a house, or put somebody's bra in the freezer or even put their hand in water to see if they'd talk or wet the bed. Naw, we were tame.

But Aubree's group of friends now, that's another story. Mom and I just goggled at her as she regaled us with the shenanigans she and her friends pulled at one recent slumber party. Aubree always makes it a point to try and be the last one asleep. And now we know why. At this sleepover Thursday night she and some others put shaving cream in one girl's hair and across her face(?) as Becky slept. Then they put ice cubes down each others' pajama bottoms and shirts. There were a few other wild shenanigans going on that I will refrain from mentioning here. But let me tell you, this young generation is certainly creative in their adventures!

Whenever I got angry, wanted to distance myself from something or wanted to tell my ex (Stephen) how I felt for him romantically I would become an ice princess. In regards to the romance bit, I wanted to say the words "I love you" and mean them with my whole heart, but I just couldn't. I began to think where romance was concerned...I was just dead. But two and a half years ago just about I was promoted to Ice Queen.
My father! The Great Spirit is my father! The earth is my mother--and on her bosom I will recline.

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