Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
People Fuss Over the Silliest Things
01-07-2003 E 8:00 p.m.
You know, it's sometimes funny what will set people off. Like names or images of mascots, for example. Tonight I heard on zee news that somebody was unhappy with the mascot Red Devils. The commentator said they believed it gave the wrong impression or carried the wrong image. Shortly after that the channel bleeped to a color bar pattern, so I never found out who or what this person wanted to change the mascot to.

Now some mascots I can see why people would want to change...Savages, Red Skins, Muskrats, Diggers, Tuskers. The first two are racist and the last three--well, they're ok, but they don't exactly inspire...might? confidence? fierce pride?

I guess I don't see anything wrong with the name Red Devils, cause I see the cartoon image, the lil red devil with horns and a curling tail ending in an arrowed point, holding a three pronged trident. All I see with that image is devilish maycare attitudes and mischieviousness. I don't associate true or pure evil with that image. Perhaps I err in that thinking, but when I think of real evil or Satan I think of darkness and unsettling feelings, coldness, calculating attitudes, psychopaths.

I dunno. Perhaps this person and I are both right in our images of what's evil. I just think it's silly ta get upset over that mascot when there are other things that should be looked at, like the cloning of a human, or cloning any creature for that matter. But ya'll know how I feel about that.

What was happening nearly three years ago? I can't remember, but go check it out.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

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