Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Shocker of an Afternoon
06-17-2002 E 4:57 p.m.
Oy. What a day. More than a day, in fact as I failed to write yesterday. Where to begin is the thing though. Jessy's wedding plans have changed for the sixth time it seems. It seems on the 5th of July or 6th she'll get her endowments out in the Boise Temple, then on Aug. 7th she'll be married. Her mother will be her escort, which is the way it should be, but you gotta wonder how worthy she is to enter the temple. After all, she didn't raise Jessy to be all that active in the church.

Miss Aubree has entered the stages of "I-Know-It-All" and "I-Don't-Want-To-Hear-It." They're both equally annoying, but it's the first stage that really gets to me. Cause nothing you say can faze her or convince her she's wrong.

Two days ago, she was helping Kami with laundry, and the drawstring of the shorts that go with Aubree's swimsuit came out. Now, I've seen Mom rethread these a dozen times. So, I knew it could be fixed. Aubree was all pouty and whiny, acting like it was the end of the world. I tried, calmly at first--those are your keywords,--to explain to her it was no big deal, I'd seen Mom rework them into pants, shorts, etc. Would she accept that answer? No. She had to look on the dark side, as always.

"Whatever, Shiloh," she said dully, then angrily, "My clothes are trash. Every pair of pants are torn at the knees, except my shorts because they have no knees! And my capris."

I refrained from saying it's because she's rough with her stuff. Not to mention people and Egypt. He avoids her when he can. When he sees her he runs away or tries to hide behind me.

Yesterday she once again tried to prove she's right and she knows everythang. Right now, we are sharing a computer game Jessy left behind, Pandora's Box. It's a game of puzzles with seven types and seven levels. One puzzle is called Rotascope. It has several centric circles within each other with only one space in which to move the pieces. On lower levels there's three circles. At the higher levels it's four. Aubree insisted it was two circles at first then became three. But oh no, you could not convince her, even if you've played it three times.

Today held a shocker. Evan contacted me. I'm still stunned by it, I don't know what to think. (For background on our history, bone up on the earliest entries of Thoughts of a Writer...)

He asked if I were still single. Well, of course I am, no guy has seen past the wheelchair and decided I'd be fun to date.

"Hmmm," he responded cryptically.

What is "hmmm" supposed to mean? Usually, the way it's come across to me has been a noncomittal response or a ponderous response. His was a ponderous response. I asked him what he meant.

"Just hmmm." Then, "So, nope?"

"Nope, I have no one." I answered.

"Would you be open to a vampire?"

Whoa! Wait. Was he actually suggesting at a possible renewing of the "almost a couple" status we had before he jumped ship? To explain the vampire thang before I go any further, we both like vampires and he works in a blood bank so I, due to my Southern nature, gave him the informal nickname of vampire.

My first thought of his contacting me is he's lonely. Why not go back to the last person you were sort of romantic with? *wry tone* Although it's been about a year since the last contact. He's sure to have had crushes or secret likes. Why come to me again? I will NOT go through that hurtful cycle again. One week he could make me the happiest I'd been since '96 or devastated the next from his silence. I'm scared, yet a part of me wants to see what he'll do. I'm a fool huh?

Heather is probably saying, "Don't talk to him, ignore him. He'll probably just hurt you again."

Evan did try flirting...lightly, but then tried to jump in to where we'd been when he'd left. I politely deflected him. Heck, I don't even know if or when we'll talk again. Probably for the best anyway, that way if he bails, I'll just be able to continue on with my life. What say you?

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Recently Recorded...
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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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