Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
She Knew
06-04-2002 E 7:51 p.m.
Grandma knew she was leaving home for another place and wasn't coming back. Yesterday she was quite lucid, knowing who Mom is and where she was. And when Mom talked to her she would make comments like, "Everything's going to be ok." and "Well, now you'll be able to have time for yourself and get your life back in order." Everybody agreed it was unusual. Nowadays Grandma is more in her own world than aware of the outside one. Perhaps it's a sign to comfort us in saying this is the right thing. I think we all knew it was but Mom. To the very last, she's had a hard time with feeling it was the best, but she knew one thing. Wr can no longer care for Grandma's needs. It's drained us and it's gone beyond our capabilities. So, into the home Grandma needed to go.

It is so strange without her here. So quiet. (She tended to read out loud.) No needing to stay home with her to watch her. No constant water refills, no long bathroom breaks and wondering if she fell asleep in there. No...more seeing her every day of my life. I miss her. And it's so hard to see Mom. She thinks of something, reminding her of growing up on the farm and starts getting emotional. I just wish I could take her pain. It hurts to see her cry.

Throughout this, I've wanted to call Nan. She has always been, since my first day at ISU, the first person, besides the Father, I turn to for comfort. But I can't. She's in Nauvoo and I don't have her cell number. Like a ditz I didn't ask. But as I said yesterday, the realization just hit that Grandma is/has moved to Utah. It didn't occur to me I'd be emotional as I've been about it. I'm feeling selfish, wanting her home so I can call so she can make thangs right.

I bought The Rocketeer, another comic book hero movie. I told you I have a weakness for 'em. The Rocketeer is a lesser known hero, I think, cause until the movie came out I'd never heard of him. Do any of you remember this Disney film? If not, the basic rundown of The Rocketeer is this: Cliff Secord is a test pilot who finds a stolen jetpack. The Nazis are after it and so starts his career as The Rocketeer as he fights to keep it safe yet find out who it belongs to. In order to preserve his secret identity his friend fashions a space man-like helmet. It's a great movie. Just like The Shadow. (I wouldn't have bought it except in order to get my money off the Quest Card, I needed to buy something.) It was like finding a valuable piece at a flea market by surprise.
Noble deeds are the most lasting monuments.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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