Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Leprechaun, Eeyore and The Idiot
02-27-2002 E 10:27 p.m.
K, those close to me know I have this habit of giving nicknames to people, places, or things with impressionable characteristics. I get this trait from my Southern side. Most everybody I know down South give nicknames if a trait sticks out in their minds. For example, when I lived in Pocatello, Sandy, my care provider, and I would go to the mall. Sam loves jewelry, especially diamonds. We used to know most of the staffs in all the jewelry stores. That's how much we frequented the stores.

Well, I knew the staff at Schubach's (now called Samuel's) at least. There was Jeff, Clint, Lori and one other guy whose name eludes me at the moment. But I dubbed him "Dracula." He had the very pronounced widow's peak and the thin long, angular yet attractive face associated with renditions of that famous vampire. Lori was also unfortunate enough to receive an unflattering title. (Please understand I don't try to be mean or dubb people in malice. It's just...if they display an unfortunate trait they will most likely get dubbed accordingly, although they will never know it.) Sandy called her "The Corpse." For Lori bleached her hair white blonde, wore dark clothes and lipstick and always looked as if she powdered her skin white. She was really sweet, but she did resemble a walking corpse. Whenever those two worked the same shift we called it "Halloween Night."

In the here and now three more have fallen to my nicknames, although they don't know it. Actually, Mom labeled the first one. The Leprechaun. You see, the CART bus, which I ride to and from school everyday Monday-Thursday, has drivers in shifts. I've only ridden with three really. And because I have, I've gotten to know their characteristics. First, The Leprechaun. As his name implies, he's short, spry and loves to tease. He's always cheerful it seems like. He's my favorite.

Next there is Eeyore. He has a gloomy air about him and walks stoop-shouldered. He's an all right chap. Means well. I think he's just had cataract or eye surgery; he wears those dark protective glasses over his regular ones. He's been gone at least two weeks. He's still a relief from The Idiot, however.

The Idiot. The reason fer this entry. Because of him I discovered a new pet peeve. Incompetent people. He doesn't take care of the ramp and doors. The doors lock in place when pushed open all the way so they don't bump into the ramp as it goes down or up. Does he lock them in place? Nnnoo...he lets them swing free so they hit the safety bar of the ramp as it goes up or down. Not taking care of the equipment could break it, you know? Then there was today. The Leprechaun shoulda picked me up, but no, I had the misfortune of getting The Idiot. *sigh*

He strapped my wheelchair in back to the bus so tight, I could feel the pull on the back of the chair. My front tires were barely touching the floor, folks. Then he hooked the left side in front and was going to call it good! The driver is supposed to make the chair stationary on all four sides. I had to control myself to keep from calling him an idiot to his face! For some reason however, he decided to strap down the remaining side. I think I can no longer stand the silence. I am about ready to tell The Leprechaun his co-worker is an idiot! Only if he'll keep my name out of this. I dread riding with The Idiot now.

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moon phase


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