Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
"You Know You and Your Roommate Are Addicted To the Internet When..."
07-23-2004 E 12:42 p.m.
Today my nephew turns one! Happy birthday, Brogan!

I decided after all the ups and downs and loop-dee-loops of my roller coaster ride with love, or what have you, I'd do a fun thing with cyberspace. Heather and I are very excited about this move, and we got on one a few days ago about how "You Know Your Roomie's Home When...", our very own spin off of "You Know You're Addicted To the Internet When..." So, I'm going to give you the ones that were made up and throw in some of the better ones from the Internet addict's symptom checklist. Thus, I bring you "You Know You and Your Roommate Are Addicted To the Internet When..."

  1. She logs on and IMs you to tell you she's home and asks "What's for dinner?"
  2. You two have a conversation on MSN, Yahoo! or AIM, or on all three at the same time instead of face-to-face.
  3. You tell or ask your roommate to come here on instant messenger, instead of just calling out to her from the next room.
  4. You both agree you need a second line just to order pizza and to keep your parents from worrying too much.
  5. You both vaguely remember what the other one looks like and only know each other by your screen names now.
  6. Your answering machine/voice mail sounds a little like this..."BRB. Leave your screen name and we'll TTYL...ASAP."
  7. You speak to each other in acronyms like brb, bbiab, ttys, ttfn or ROTFLOL.
  8. One of you gets up at 2:00 a.m. to go to the bathroom and turns your/her computer on instead.
  9. There are multiple computers in your apartment.
  10. You both sign off and your screens say you were on for 10 days and 45 minutes--each!
  11. You both need to be pried from your computers by the jaws-of-life.
  12. You're talking face-to-face and you both wish for emoticons to use in expressing yourself.
  13. You or your roommate are being annoying and you or she wishes that the block button were handy.
  14. You both find an eviction notice in your Inboxes because rent and bills were due six months ago!
  15. You both say "he he he he" or "heh heh heh" instead of laughing.
  16. You both decided to place the refrigerator in the bathroom because you couldn't decide whose computer it should go by.
Pretty funny, eh? I usually get a kick out of these "You Know You're_______When..." Some of them can get pretty hilarious.
Happiness sneaks in through a window you didn't know you left open.
~John Barrymore~

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