Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Hope and Choices
07-25-2004 E 5:14 p.m.
I miss my friend, soul sister and soon-to-be roomie, Heather. I've had several people on and off to talk to these past two and a half days, but besides Milo, she's the only one I miss when she's offline. (She's at a family shindig.)

I like this week's P-O-Y. Although I really don't like zee movie they chose, particularly, I like zee quote. "Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So, when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will." ~~ Hope Floats ~~

And once again P-O-Y seems to be on the same wavelength as me. Either that, or I'm just in tune with what is going on in the webmistresses' minds. Or...I am just a lil bit psychic after all. Yeah, right...

I really like this quote, as I've said. It's a good philosophy and good advice. I guess because I'm a writer I look at life as a book and each new beginning as another chapter. This move with Heather is a new chapter in both our lives, one we're both excited about because it's a whole new aventure together, beyond what we've experienced thus far. And, I think, because our bond has strengthened on a whole other level and we're wanting to strengthen it even more. Though, I do suspect our bond will be tested.

Most beginnings are scary, but I have to disagree with the statement "endings are usually sad..." They are a direct cause or outcome of choices made in the middle. So yeah, it's the middle that's most important. When you're at a beginning, or a new chapter, in your life you have so many roads or options to take and choose. It's up to you which ones will shape your life and determine your ending. It's up to you how your ending will be. Will it be sad and tragic? Will it be blah? Or will it be happy or even triumphant and joyous? Make that choice now, today! Get thee to a mirror, look long and hard at your reflection and ponder over the choices you've made in the past. They are behind you and no longer matter. You've got an unspecified number of tomorrows to fill and reach your potential. Do not waste a tomorrow and let it slip by. Look yourself in the eyes and decide how your ending will be.

Granted, not every ending will be happy, no matter the choices you've made or didn't make. But I was talking about your ultimate ending upon your death. That, you can decide. I don't mean how you will die, but your time or your situation upon your death. For example, Hellen Keller. She was left blind and deaf by a raging high fever caused by a childhood illness. With the love and guidance of a special woman, Anne Sullivan Macy, she was able to re-enter and claim the world as hers again. She became the tireless advocate for the disabled (the blind and deaf), writing and speaking and traveling around the world. She helped other kids like herself learn to read and communicate. She even set up a foundation or fund for them and helped to stop the institutionalization of the disabled.

Upon her passing, Hellen Keller was a success. She was successful because she was given hope. The hope of a better tomorrow. The hope of a new way of communicating, which opened up the world for her and others like her. With this hope she touched and influenced so many lives around the world. Hers was a happy and resounding triumphant ending. Without the hope Anne Sullivan Macy gave her, Hellen would have remained locked in a solitary and soundless darkness for the rest of her days. Upon her parents' deaths she would most likely have been institutionalized.

I once heard somewhere--I think it was from an episode of Lois and Clark--that we cannot live without hope. For, without hope people have nothing to live for; we would just get in ruts and never get out. We would be lifeless robots.

So. If you're at a beginning, make that choice in front of your mirror now on how your ending will be. Don't waste another day; allow hope to float up!

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