Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Renewing and Strengthening
03-04-2003 E 3:44 p.m.
The day's half gone already! It doesn't seem possible, but...there you go. All I've done is sent some email to friends whom I'm trying to re-establish better communications with, Lynda and Beth. I've mentioned Lynda briefly and infrequently throughout this journal and my previous one. She's the one who introduced me to Ruthann, my online mom and the one one who once was engaged to the guy I met Heather through. Convoluted explanation huh? *smiles* She's doing good, has met a new guy who seems to know how to treat a lady right and has a new niece, as of February.

Beth on the other hand, is a childhood friend whose family moved ta RI when we were in the fifth grade. We naturally drifted apart as a consequence of the distance, but when she and her family, friends of my family's, visited Idaho three years ago the friendship *wobbles hand from side to side* sort of revived to a level just above acquaintances. We exhanged emails with the intent to write and keep in touch better. Well, we all know how good intentions start and where they can lead... We emailed a couple times over the last few years, but, of course, we lost contact once again. Until...Dad asked me to email her for her parents' email. Which I did. And she wrote back.

And I am determined to try to make a better effort at renewing the comeraderie we once had. Though what with the years of lil communication and distance between us when growing up, I don't know if we can gain the closeness we once had. I mean, I want to try of course, but...have too many years gone by?

There's still a chance with Lynda, to regain the closeness we had before and during her mission. She was one of my best friends--well, still is--during one of the hardest times in my life and we talked almost constantly everyday before her mission. And we were pretty good, if I'm remembering rightly, in writing faithfully to each other while she served her mission. But it's been since she's been home that our contact has tailed...off. Oh, we'll write in spurts, so it's not that we don't make the effort of writing. It's more like...the quality of the emails. I feel like, though perhaps I'm wrong, the depth of our friendship has lessened. It used to be "Hey sis!" or "Love, me" or "Love, Lynda." And our letters were longer and more in depth. Now, they're mostly short paragraphs, giving bare details.

True, my letters are short too, and perhaps she's feeling the same way I am and thinking along the same lines, but I have begun to try and give more details about my life. Trouble is, my life is staid and boring, and since I'm in school, beyond the news I'm an aunt-to-be and Michael being in the Army Nat'l Guard's linguistics program, all the new news I have is homework. And that can be summed up in one sentence! I wanna say more, but there is nothing else beyond homework at the moment, so my letters are miserably short. I ask her, of course, what's going on in her life, but either she's too busy to have much time to answer in detail, or there's some other reason she's not giving details when I casually ask.

I feel like--ok Heather, you're rubbing off on me now, my life is reflecting yours--I'm slowly losing the closeness with Lynda. In my email today I gave this site's url in hopes she'll read it as a way to find out what's up, or not up, with me. I'm hoping she'll get into reading this journal, so we'll have something to talk about. I also hope if she does read this she won't take this entry the wrong way, but in fact, understand my concern. I want our friendship to last; I don't want to lose another one like I have with five other people, or have it drift away. I want to strengthen it. Please read this, Lynda.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered.]

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moon phase


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