Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
World Lit. / I'm Not Leaving You
03-03-2003 E 6:21 p.m.
I hate this mouse!!!! It has gone berserko on me the last few days, and just now, closed out my browser while I was working on updating! *seethes and tries to calm down*

(recapping the first take)
Well, since I am updating, you obviously know I survived the Weekend of Papers...and Seizures. In between having more weird dreams, that is, though I can't remember what they were about. On the upside, I have an idea for the Critical Paper. Though I think I'll email the professor and see what she says about it. I may be thinking too shallowly for what she wants.

On another World Lit. note, a growing concern I have about my presentation group was finally addressed today. I'd noticed in the past week or so that the group sitting next to and down from mine has been meeting and discussing their chosen literary piece in the minutes before class begins. Not such an extraordinary observation I know, but it reminded me my group has yet to meet and get started on our chosen piece, 1001 Nights. We haven't even exchanged contact information, people.

Thing is I've been the only one in my group who's been to class eeevveerry single day and the other three members have been a hit and miss. Kinda hard to get started when you're not all there. Still, this is important. It makes up the bigger part of our grade, taking zee place of the final exam, so this is pretty important.

I tried last Wednesday to at least get what contact info I could from Courtney (the only other person from my group there that day), but even as she agreed she said, "Brandon isn't here."

I was aware of that, but in my mind partial contact info was better than none. Needless to say I didn't get it. After class she went down to talk with zee professor, and since there was already a gaggle of students around our educator and my ride was waiting for me, I made no exchange. Today, however, I tried again--this time with Darci.

I got the same response as I had with Courtney, though she seemed to realize the urgency of starting our project. "Brandon's not here. We need him." A pause. "He hasn't been here in awhile, has he? Do you know if he dropped the class?"

I frowned, puzzling over his disappearance. "Nnnoo...I don't think so. He was here quite regularly and then..."

She nodded and I let it go at that, hoping there would be an exchange of emails or phone numbers after class. There wasn't, but it was Courtney (who'd arrived quite late) who finally asked the professor if she had heard from Brandon on his absence. She hadn't, but was giving Courtney his last name when I had to go. So, hopefully this is the first step and soon we'll meet. And that Brandon is ok.

One last observation for today... It seems some people have been quiting their diaries in groups lately, either quiting for good or moving their thoughts elsewhere to a new site. It's kinda sad (the sentimental me is talking here) because it's like a chapter has closed in their lives. With those who're quiting for good a door has shut on us, the readers, from the brief glimpses into their lives and it feels like--at least, for me--we've lost a fleeting bond with someone we could have become better friends with. With those who've moved, however, we're embarking on a new venture with them.

I don't know how long I'll be at Diaryland, but it'll be awhile yet because this is all the journal I have. I find it easier to type than to write and I have a bit more privacy this way from family. But trust me, if or when I leave I'll give anyone who wants my email the address so we can stay in touch. I won't completely leave you.
Mony a one for him maks mane,
But nane sall ken where he is gane:
O'er his white banes, when they are bare,
The wind sall blaw for evermair.

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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moon phase


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