Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Recapture Your Inner Child
07-16-2004 E 3:24 p.m.
Three scorchers in a row. Gah, I feel like I'm in a sauna, with no avenue of escaping the muggy heat. *wishes wistfully for A/C* (Heather, our apartment should have A/C, or some effective way of cooling off!) Heckatoba! *searching in vain for something to stir a breeze with that won't draw in hot air*

Yesterday the heat made me irritable, not to mention certain conversations about love's roller coaster. Don't worry, Kirk and I are fine. There have been bumps in the road, but...we're ironing them out together, and with Heather's help. But the real kicker was late afternooon yesterday. Parag logged on to MSN and thus ensued the shortest and last conversation we'll ever have.

And he logged off!

Um, my computer had frozen up, thank you very much. I couldn't answer, and when I went to answer him he'd left with that dismissal.

My blood temperature (or pressure) rose--remember, I was already irked. I had him on Yahoo! too and he was still on there so I IMed him.

He's lil more than a stranger, yet his words hurt! Forget it. You're not worth it. Well, it's not like he gave me a chance or tried to contact me this past week, and as I said before, I feel like I've been in a whirlwind. Oh man, I was in high dudgeon.

So I needed some chocolate. Chocolate always makes a girl feel better. I came across this when choosing a dark chocolate. (I love dark chocolate, btw.)


3) Get out those box of Crayons (do you have the eight pack or the giant 64 pack?) and do a journal page--or two or three--using just Crayons (ok, you can add paint and other stuff too, but start out with the crayons). There's something about that familiar green and yellow box of Crayolas that just screams "PLAY!"

Well, I don't have the resources to create such a page then to scan and upload it as an image. So I used the program or "tools" I have and improvised. I used Disney's Magic Artist Studio and had some fun. True, I didn't get too elaborate; I was mindful of Dland's size limit, but it was fun. I'm wishing now I had added a quip or title, but it's done.

Disney can bring the kid out in all of us, eh? Well...for those of us who are into Disney. *smiles* Some fond memories and heartiest laughs in my life have been Disney-related. The first video I ever saw on a VCR (it was a Beta) was the cartoon Robin Hood. My brother, sister and I just loved it. It was one of my favorites for awhile there. I just got such a kick out of the "football" battle, where the townspeople rebel against Prince John and his cohorts. I loved how Disney also went through the different fairy tales; I wish it still was making its own versions though. There are still many fairy tales it could adapt. And then there are the cartoons: Duck Tales, Tail Spin, Gargoyles, Goof Troop, Darkwing Duck and Gummi Bears. You gotta admit, they're the best.

I gotta have my Disney.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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