Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Random Acts of Kindness
09-14-2005 E 4:53 p.m.
Feeling-- ok
Reading-- The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
Listening to-- Music To Soothe the Raging Dragon

I've not felt the need, or more appropriately the desire, to write in the last few days. My creative spark has been taking a vacation since I saw red Thursday night, and that's fine. I've been writing a lot and spinning whatever's come from my imagination into hopefully viable and interesting images, and I don't want to overdose on a magical, whimsical good thing. But--I know I need to get back on the Soulfood Silk Road and get to the next stop. The webmistress is trying to get eeevvveeerrrryyyone to one or two places along the cyber road. My problem has been a lack of furthering ideas on the piece that needs to be written before I, or my characters, "enter" the next spot on the cyber tour. So I just need to make time, cut out the chatting and write what my imagination comes up with as I write. Once I get past this piece hopefully the others I've planned won't be as difficult to put together.

On to the main purpose for this entry: to add another past dream from the once dream journal I had, thus putting the entry previous to this one in the archive.

(originally written on 01-03-2004)
Last night I listened to Aubree, my sister tell Mom about Darkness Falls , a spooker she and her friend Kailee had rented when she'd slept over at her friend's house. Let me tell you, there are a few spookers I can handle, like Sleepy Hollow , which makes me laugh more than anything. Yet it leaves a nice tingling chill down my spine when all is said and done.

Then there are the spookers that rrreeealllyy leave my imagination jumping and leaping all about afterwards, if I'm unfortunate enough to have watched or heard about them. Aaanndd, Darkness Falls is one such spooker. So, I was fearing any dream I might have in the night would be colored by the ghost of a lady wrongly hanged and who killed for vengeance if you saw her face.

But I was wrong. I dreamt instead, of people in my old wards when I was growing up. It was weird. I dunno if I was a charity case or what, or if people were merely trying to do random acts of kindness and I just happened to be the target of multiple acts. Whatever it was I was invited left and right to do things with others in the 8th Ward then in my current home ward. A girl my age, Angela, invited me to hang out with a bunch of her friends. Mom was thrilled and I remember her coaching me on how to behave and that I needed to thank Angela...as if I didn't already know! The second invitation that stood out in this dream was a date with Brian M. In reality, he's married now and about four years younger than me. This time Mom cautioned me that it wasn't really a date, that Brian was only asking me out for advice on how to handle his girlfriend. Somehow I already knew this and so wasn't really expecting romance. He picked up at a friend's townhouse and took me out to dinner I believe. We mighta done something else or gone somewhere else first, I don't remember. But he never did ask about his girlfriend. He seemed content to spend time with me.

At this consciousness intruded. I don't know why I'm surprised each time by a dream anymore. They're all odd, but I see recent events in my life peeking through this dream. An old Visiting Teacher did the 12 days of Christmas for me and my brother's girlfriend is acting and feeling uncertain about their friendship and relationship. So, I can see why this dream came about the way it did.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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