Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
We Are One--Or Are We?
09-11-2005 E 8:30 p.m.
Feeling-- cold and melancholy
Reading-- The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
Listening to-- nothing
We Are One
As the soot and dirt and ash rained down,
We became one color.

As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building,
We became one class.

As we lit candles of waiting and hope,
We became one generation.

As the firefighters and police officers
fought their way into the inferno,
We became one gender.

As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength,
We became one faith.

As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement,
We spoke one language.

As we gave our blood in lines a mile long,
We became one body.

As we mourned together the great loss,
We became one family.

As we cried tears of grief and loss,
We became one soul.

As we re-tell with pride of the
sacrifice of heroes,
We become one people.

We are
One color, One class, One generation,
One gender, One faith, One language,
One body, One family, One soul, One people.
We are The Power of One.


~Camilla Eriksson~

Today is Patriot Day. Four years since the world changed irrevocably. Four years since the world was shaken from a comfortable complacency and watched, stunned and horrified, as we, the U.S., was rocked and shaken to our very knees. Four years since the Twin Towers of the WTC came crashing down in a cloud of fire, rubble, ash, soot, debris and dust. Four years since the New York City skyline lost its distinctive silhoutte. Four years since thousands of innocents died, among many of them, heroes who selflessly gave their lives trying to prevent another devastating turn to an already catastrophic tragedy, who gave their lives trying to find and save any survivors they could. Four years since we saw the worst and the best of humanity come together from one unforgettable event. Four years since the world, since my country, was humbled. Four years since we declared war on Terrorism.

Today is Patriot Day. A far different one than four years ago. Saddam has been deposed and is going to face trial. His son(s) is/are dead. His plans for a nuclear bomb were stopped. A new Iraqi government was formed and a new constitution was drawn up to be ratified. We continue to fight the terrorists/insurgents, helping the Iraqis fight for a better tomorrow, a more peaceful and free existence.

Another tragedy has struck on the homefront, in the guise of a hurricane. Hundreds have died, others have lost their homes and possessions; lawlessness has followed in her wake. A mayor and governor cannot agree on what to do, and government officials touring the devastated states are being met with hostilty and ingratitude. Many victims are separated from friends and loved ones. So much sadness, confusion and chaos. Others, having pled for rescuing now refuse it, saying: "Hell no, we won't go!" Stealing, raping, murderings.

Though those in a position to are trying to help, such as the Red Cross, Oprah, Dr. Phil McGraw, etc., etc., etc., it's a sad and horrible counterpart to what we witnessed at Ground Zero in the aftermath of 9/11 four years ago today. Where are the everyday Joes and Janes who became extraordinary heroes? Where is the Spirit of Oneness? The Spirit of Humility and Gratitude? Why the Spirit of Looking Out For Number One? Why the lawlessness of stealing, murdering and raping? Why? What happened to our unity, our compassion for each other in a time of national crisis?

Today is Patriot Day. A far cry from what--and where--we were four years ago.

The WTC Flag

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