Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Anticlimax and "Getting Used to It"
12-11-2001 E 8:07 p.m.
I'm tired and this may be short as I want to catch Gilmore Girls tonight. I have a headache. I think it may be due to two days of late nights. Sunday I had three seizures, the last one leaving me with a bad headache. Then last night, I didn't get to bed until 12 a.m. cause Kami was yakking at Shane on zee telephono till 11:30. Then we were in zee bathroom. Of course, this had to happen when I need ta get up at 8:00. *sigh* I'm just really tired.

I just wasted an hour trying to look up somebody who'd randomly ICQed me the other day. Said "he couldn't stay, but he wanted ta chat with me so look him up at this one penpal site." I tried, but in order to I had open a trial membership. So that wasted the good portion of the seven o' clock hour as I went through some stupid essay questions. They asked some questions that were none of anybody's business! Like what's your income [annually]? Gah! How intrusive! But I digress. I never found the guy; it was an invalid member name. I either copied it wrong, or I was taken fer a ride.

It's over. Our presentation is through. Everybody seemed to really like it. It reconvinced our teacher to assign oral presentations again next year to her classes. But for me it felt anticlimatic afterwards. I guess because I'd been gathering ideas with Heather and planning for it aaalll semester. All through reading zee poem I felt faint. I couldn't get enough air it seemed.

I have to admit it was fun collaborating with Heather. Mostly because it gave me an excuse to hang out and goof off with her.

Now, my chair. If I'd been smart, I'd have asked for the same style of chair. It just fits me better. The seat was comfy; my new seat is an air cushion. It's comfy...as long as you don't move. Then it feels like a water bed undulating under your butt. I can't push down on it to push up. It doesn't resist; my fingers just sink and I can't get a steady place to get the ummph to push up. *sigh* Comfort alone doesn't cut it people, I need practicality too. *looks longingly towards me other seat* Oh well.

My parents will tell me it takes getting used to. Give it a few days. Yeah, well if I still dislike zee seat, I'm keeping my other one even though the gel is about out of it and it cannot be patched. *stubborness begins to show*

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