Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Quote About Sex
04-29-2003 E 5:28 p.m.
Today has been irksome and strange in part, but on the whole, I confess it hasn't been bad. The strange and irksome part only lasted briefly, but it presents a mystery to me. One that I think I can solve easily, if I but bring it to the attention of Dad. You see, we both have this art program called Printmaster Gold Deluxe with three disks, one being the master disk. On mine--or my computer--I had all these projects I've saved over the years since I first had it, like a dream journal, letters to my eternal companion whomever he may be (don't scoff!) and things to do with my unicorn novel. But when I put the master CD in the drive to retrieve an image it acted like I'd just installed the program! But I hadn't! Frowning, I opened the folder that saves all your projects. Unbelievably it was empty. None of my projects were there. Not really understanding how it works, or where the files were saved I never thought to back up the projects. I always thought they were saved on the disk. I know, how ignorant of me.

(6:35 p.m.)
Ok, had dinner and took the mystery to Dad and we tried both master disks. My projects weren't on either one of them. =os So, now I know they (my projects) were saved on my comp, but the mystery remains, not as easily solved as I once thought. And it looks like it will never be solved, because I don't know how they could have been deleted. I have not messed with the program in a month or two. I have not uninstalled it or altered it in any way. So now I have to begin anew on my Covano stuff--the flags, the map, the background on the Unicorn People, which is ok. I have part of this written down elsewhere. But...my dream journal...the letters...all gone. Five or more years up in smoke. These I can't get back. And Dad told me not to get emotional, going so far as to act like I was being a lil ridiculous. 'Course, he did not know what my projects entailed. But still, he gets irked when one of his programs doesn't cooperate. I guess now I'll have to back up these files...but how easy is it to save a document that includes 30 pages of text interspersed with lotsa images when your A drive is iffy and you don't have a lot of moolah?
Hmmmm, I didn't expect the above conundrum to pop up today and had an entry planned all out. I figured on only one topic, but that's life, huh? Last night after I updated I did a word search puzzle picked at random. It was a quotation by Fulton J. Sheen on sex. After reading it I thought, How true this is! and decided to give my two cents on it.

The quotation reads: "Sex has become one of the most discussed subjects of modern times. The Victorians pretended it did not exist; the moderns pretend that nothing else exists."

I mean think about it. The Victorians tried to be all prim, proper and prudish. Even the way the uppercrust dressed was fussy. The word "sex" caused people to blanch and anyone who said it got a good scolding. It was a word not used in polite conversation and, like Mr. Sheen said, they pretended it did not exist. That is, until they were behind private doors and human instinct took over.

Then there is today. You cannot go anywhere, except to religious places, and escape the word "sex." What do most movies, books and songs have in them or allude to nowadays? Sex! If they're not outright talking about it, they're hinting or using very suggestive innuendos. Look at the tv shows nowadays. Elimidate, Fifth Wheel, Blind Date, even one of my favorite shows, Charmed hints at it quite broadly with some of the clothes the actresses wear or with some of the "love scenes" they have in it. Getting "some" is a high priority for some people. Why date and see whom your compatible with with the idea of marriage in mind, when you can move in together, have your fling and then either move on to other partners or actually get married?? All that seems to matter in their personal lives is sex appeal and satisfying that urge. And that's a sad commentary on today.

Feel free to disagree and comment.

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