Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Graduating From ISU
05-01-2003 E 4:35 p.m.
Well thanks to my computer genious friend, Heather, I located the dream journal, and, had I kept up the search, prob'ly all my other Printmaster Gold projects would have been found in a similar manner. The dream journal was in or under Outlook Express. Don't ask me how, or why it was moved there; that is now the mystery. However, she (Heather) convinced me not to delete it or the others once I tried opening the dream journal up and got only symbols. She told me to hold off until she had a crack at restoring them, so all may not be lost... I hope. I may yet get the important documents back that I lamented the day before.
Graduation is only 16 days away. Hallelujah! It's funny, this graduation is different than my others; my attitude is even different this time around. It's more lacadaisical. I dunno if it's because I'm sleepy right now, or because I'm not going to commencement and participate in the graduate march. I've gone through two--well, three if ya count Mikey's, but then I was only a spectator there--and as I told Heather earlier today, "I'm all marched out." It just has a different feel to it. I'm not real hyper about it--as Heather could testify to. I'm excited yes, and soo happy I made it to the end of the tunnel, so to speak, but--unlike Tigger-Heather--I'm not bouncing off the walls or stressing as I previously have for my others. I'm taking it all in stride, and unbelievably, I'm not counting down zee days to it.

Another reason it's different is I'm not really saying goodbye to anyone. I'm not having to distance my heart to spare myself the pain of separating from good friends. I've met some nice people there at the I.F. campus, but none, with the exception of Heather, are considered close friends. So, as I said, I'm not really leaving anyone behind; Tigger-Heather's graduating too and we're both not leaving the area right away sooo...we's still haves each other. All in all, it's a strange and unique graduation. My three blurbs of excitement in acknowledging that I am graduating are:

  • telling everyone I know that I AM graduating...FINALLY

  • buying myself X-Men the movie as a graduation present

  • and having a personal celebration with meself and one with Tigger-Heather (who btw, is temporarily so-dubbed because she was bouncing off the walls this afternoon because she passed a test and has "8 DAYS!!" till her graduation)

  • Yes, it's an odd graduation, but it suits my mood. And I find it humorous and interesting that in this respect Heather and I are opposites, like our pets. She has a dog, Jen; I have a cat who's Egypt. Where I'm lacadaisical 'bout this--except in getting my last assignments in--she's bouncing off the walls and is marching at her commencement. She even bought her tassel, rented(?) her cap and gown and made her own announcements (which in my opinion, are wwwayyy cuter than any she might have bought and fit her personality better) and is having 30 or so people coming! Aaandd she graduating from a rival school. :o The humorous part is though we have different takes on this graduation, we still are the best of friends and spar playfully with each other. *to give an example, she picks ups one of Heather's thrown pillows and lobs it at Heather's head, yelling "SWAB THE DECK, MATEY!"*

    There is one aspect though through this that has kinda gotten old. Every time I tell a person I'm not attending graduation they look surprised and ask, "Why not?"

    Because I'm graduating absentee, people. It's not a big deal really, to answer their question, but to have person after person ask the same question is, as I said, getting old. Ah well. Such is life at times.
    All's well that ends well. If it's not well, then it's not the end.

    ..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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