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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Two Questions and a Vampire
05-27-2002 E 6:23 p.m.
Ok, I think it's time to update after about two hours of "meaning to." Nothing noteworthy happened today...I just vegged...so I'll ramble on about two questions rattlin' around in my brain, k? K. First Question: What is zee attraction these Survivor-like shows hold? I mean, sure I've never seen one all the way through seasonwise. So I really shouldn't judge, but from previews and snippets of shows--right now my sister (Aubree) is watching Moolah Beach, a teen version with a twist that adds $25,000 to the pot--all I've seen them do is bring out less attractive sides of people. *holds up a finger* Although I will say for Moolah Beach it does try to keep ties between teams on good terms. But the adult ones can create hard feelings. So what's the attraction?

Second Question: Did Darth Vader have a shred of good in him that would have prevented him from killing his son? This question stems from a debate we (Mike, Jen and I) had in the car on the way home after the movie. Ok, it's been awhile since I saw Return of the Jedi, but I've seen it enough to remember the end a bit. I believe Vader turned from the Dark Side when he witnessed the Emperor killing his son and heard Luke's cries for help. Mike believes Vader repented and turned good as he lay dying in Luke's arms.

In the first two episodes we see Anakin (Vader) as a good guy. True, in the second he shows the potential to topple over to the Dark Side, which we know he'll eventually do. And I know his intent in later episodes is to kill Luke, but I believe in the end there was good in him. Because if there wasn't, he surely would have let the Emperor finish off Luke. Or he would have killed Luke and the Emperor wouldn't have ordered Darth Vader to continue the act. Michael, on the flipside doesn't see it that a-way. He says there was no good in Vader and that he only rejoined the light side of the Force because he was dying. It was a stalemate.

What is your opinion?

One last thang. By now, those of you who've read some of my dreams might remember how odd they can get. Last night was an odd one fer sure. I dunno if it was influenced by Fright Night (yes, I saw Fright Night) or by Michael telling me of the Anime Vampire Hunter, D. Anyways, you can tell by the theme what my dream held.

I was the human daughter of a vampire, who looked to be in his 50s. Again, it was more like a movie, so it was me in the dream--yet not me. If I switch to third person you'll understand why. I guess I grew up with my mortal mother. But now that I was in my 20s, the vampire wanted to come into my life and make me a vampire. Intrigued, never knowing my father I was easily lured to his castle. However, upon learning what he truly was I spent the most part of the dream running down stone corridors, looking over my shoulder while trying to elude him. I must say when I was caught, I did a most unlady-like thing: I kneed him in the groin. I must of further injured him pretty bad, because a vampiress came after me next, showing her fangs and hissing at me. Another female lackey my "dad" had tried to seduce me with the inheritance I could have if I but joined him. They were cornering me against a stone wall...but in the end I managed to find a secret opening and slip through the crack to the outside.

Interesting, huh? I've noticed in some of my most desperate dream situations I usually find a way out. I wonder if that shows I've got ingenuity or an iron will that refuses to accept circumstances?
We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

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