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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Myth of Cupid and Psyche
02-13-2003 E 4:44 p.m.
Howdy. How's everyone? Ready for tomorrow? Got plans? I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I'd asked Andi if she wanted to do something on V-Day three weeks ago, but no more's been said or planned. I haven't called her since because 1) with papers due most every Monday, and the one for Grieving due, it's slipped my mind, and 2) I don't wanna go back to the pattern in high school, where if I wanted to do anything with friends I was the one or had to be the one who initiated the outing or what have you. Nuh uh, I ain't ever going back to those days. I'll suggest something to a friend several times, and I can understand a tight schedule or something unexpected coming up, but after those initial attempts I'll give up fer awhile. It's in their court, and if they don't get back with me on a suggestion or for a reincheck...oh well. I'm not going to turn into a nagging pest of a friend. I may not have the highest self-esteem, but I do value myself enough to know that if someone wants my company they'll seek me out.

So I may spend V-Day at home with the 'rents. I donno, perhaps I'll rent My Big Fat Greek Wedding and watch that...

The Internet is truly amazing sometimes. You can find virtually anything on here that you want. (Not that I didn't already know this; I just meant obscure stuff like myths.) I was wondering about what Valentine's Day related item I could discuss today when an idea hit me. Why not post my favorite Greek/Roman myth? We are going into the Classical Greek period in World Lit. next week, so why not delve into it early? *thumbs up* Sounds like a fun plan, at least to me.

Cupid and Psyche
Psyche was the youngest of three daughters born to a great king. So beautiful was she in both countenance and spirit that people traveled from all over the world to admire her. Venus, goddess of beauty and love, became jealous of Psyche because their admiration of Psyche led people to neglect and even forget about the goddess. So Venus devised a plot: she asked her son, Cupid, the god of love, to make Psyche fall in love with the most detestable creature in the whole world.

Cupid arranged for Psyche to be abandoned by her parents on a hilltop, where she would be betrothed to an ugly and vile winged serpent. Psyche wept at her fate, but was resigned to her doom because although she was beautiful, no one had in fact, fallen in love with her. So it seemed that only the winged serpent would have her.

Venus had not counted on one detail, however. Cupid, upon seeing Psyche, fell in love with her himself. Instead of bringing her to a monster, he spirited her to his magnificent palace and made her his wife. However, because Psyche was a mortal, Cupid could not allow her to know either who he was or what he looked like. He visited her only at night and made her agree never to look upon him. Psyche lived a happy life with Cupid for many months, albeit a mysterious one.

Eventually Psyche�s sisters, upon visiting her, became envious of her happiness and surroundings. They devised a plot to make her miserable. They poisoned her mind, assuring Psyche that if her husband was so secretive about his identity and appearance, there must be something dreadfully wrong with him. Clearly, they said, Psyche had ended up with the dreadful winged serpent after all.

Psyche finally could no longer bear the uncertainty of not knowing who her husband was or what he looked like. One night, while Cupid slept, she cautiously carried a candle to his bed to gaze upon his face. Instead of seeing a monster she saw as handsome a face as one could possibly imagine, and her hands started to tremble at the sight of her beloved husband. As she trembled, wax fell from her candle and severely burned Cupid�s shoulder. He awoke, and finding that his wife had betrayed him, fled.

In anguish at her faithlessness and at having hurt him and then lost him, Psyche vowed to show Cupid how much she loved him by spending the rest of her life searching for him. She prayed to all the gods for help, but none of them wanted to risk the wrath of Venus. Finally, in desperation, Psyche prayed to Venus herself.

Cupid had flown to his mother and asked her to treat his wound. When Venus heard that Cupid had married Psyche and that Psyche had betrayed her pledge to Cupid, Venus decided to punish Psyche severely. When Psyche begged for forgiveness from her, Venus belittled Psyche as faithless and plain and told her that her only hope for forgiveness was to perform certain tasks. The tasks were clearly impossible, but Psyche hoped that in her travels to complete the tasks she might find her lost love. First, Venus took some tiny seeds of wheat, poppy, and millet, mixed them, and dropped them in a single pile. She gave Psyche until nightfall to separate the seeds. Psyche despaired, but a colony of ants, showing compassion, sorted them for her. Venus returned, and seeing what had happened, became even angrier.

So Venus gave Psyche more impossible tasks, such as fetching the golden wool of some fierce sheep and to obtain black water from the river Styx. Again, through the help of others, Psyche fulfilled her tasks. Finally Cupid, now healed, longed for her once again. He went to her, scolded her gently for her earlier faithlessness, and assured her that her search was over. He longed to reunite with her, so he approached Jupiter, king of the gods, and beseeched him to grant Psyche immortality. Jupiter consented and, before an assembly of gods, made Psyche a goddess and announced that Cupid and Psyche were formally married. Even Venus was joyous: her son now had a suitable match. Moreover, with Psyche in the heavens rather than on Earth, people would no longer be distracted by Psyche�s beauty and would worship Venus once again.

This is just a summary and one version of the story, but being the romantic I am it suffices my sensibilties. Anyone have a favorite myth--Roman or otherwise?

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