Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Movie Reviewer, My Ideal Job
02-14-2003 E 10:18 p.m.
You know what I'd really like to do, or think would be fun at least? Write movie reviews. Ever since I had one assignment in an old college English course that was a movie review, I've caught myself analyzing movies...the lighting, camera angles, costuming, music and foreshadowing. In my head I've asked myself questions concerning why the director did this or did that. I've speculated about their motives or what the director was trying to convey to his/her audience. It just piques my interest, gets me thinkin', and I know I can write good reviews. I got an A on that assignment; I was told I had a mature, insightful take on the movie I critiqued.

I dunno how I would get into that type of job, but I know I would love it. Tonight Andrea and I (we did get together after all) went to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets after dinner. I found myself once again using critical thinking on a movie. Actually I was comparing Harry Potter 2 to a completely different-as-it-can-get movie, Much Ado About Nothing.

I dunno if you've seen either, so let me explain my observations. I find one opposite most interesting. In Much Ado About Nothing all the good guys wore white or light colors. The bad guys, Keanu Reeve and his crony, wore black and actually had dark hair. This was a variation of the western cowboy hat differentiation(sp?). Good guys wore the white hat; bad guys wore the black hat. If you notice though, it is the opposite in Harry Potter. Harry has black hair while Draco Malfoy has white blonde hair.

J.K. Rowling, while not totally adhering to the white=good, black=bad principle, has other symbolism in her books. Names for example. Once again, using Malfoy to prove my point, she most likely chose his name because of his personality. Draco in some languages (I think) means dragon. In my opinion a dragon is a reptile. Snakes are also reptilian, thus he fit perfectly in to the House of Slytherin. Malfoy--I'm not sure of the meaning, but I know what it sounds like. Mal or malo in Spanish means "bad" and that's what I think of when I hear his name. So going along those lines of thinking, his name in plain English translation would be "bad dragon." *grins and laughs*

Oh I'm bad, I know, but that's what comes to mind when I think of him.

I really enjoyed Harry Potter 2, about as much as zee first one. I actually jumped and cried out as one of the monster spiders lunged through the window of Ron's dad's car and caught Ron. But it was great seeing all the characters from the first one again in this one.

All in all it was a wonderful night for me. I got to spend time with a friend and I realized what I would like to do job-wise if I could just find an opening in to that niche, so to speak.
Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?
~Marcel Marceau~

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