Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Ponderments of the News
07-27-2003 E 6:02 p.m.
Oy. It just hit me; we have a month of summer left before Fall's crispness and freshness infuses the lazy, hot summer breezes with their coolness. I love Summer as I've said many times before, and I'm almost reluctant to see it end. But at the same time, a tiny budding of excitement and anticipation for the nearing crisp coolness of Fall is welling. It's another time of year I enjoy almost as much as Summer.
So, Saddam Hussein's sons are dead. That must be quite a military coup for us and our allies. I don't know what good this serves, but I can't help but wonder how Saddam feels and what he is thinking now. I mean, I despise how he has treated his people and think he is a poor example of a human being, but still... He's a man who's lost two sons, and unless he's a completely heartless person and hated his sons, Saddam's gotta be furious and grieving right about now. My first thought when I heard on CNN that they were dead was, And you don't expect Saddam to retaliate or strike back? Instead of the "Empire striking back" it'll be "Saddam Strikes Back."

Perhaps it's unpatriotic of me, but despite his evilness and poor humanity, I feel for him in the loss of his two sons. So sue me.

Another bit of news I saw just yesterday, or it may have been Friday, is that families of 9/11 victims are mad at our government. They believe the FBI, CIA or whatever other agency could have prevented the collosal tragedy by giving warnings and evacuating the WTC. They're basing their anger on the rumors floating 'round that these agencies had some idea of an upcoming terrorist attack and yet did nothing to take preventive steps. Therefore, their friends and loved ones died needlessly.

Now, I've heard the rumors too and have wondered myself if the government knew of an impending attack, and if so, why didn't it take measures to prevent one? I don't have any clue if it did know or not, but as my mom questioned, how could the agencies possibly the exact particulars of that attack? They could've known that some attack from Al Queda was coming and possibly a timeframe through spies, but knowing the full how and wherefores? Uh-uh. They'd need a powerful psychic fer that.

I can understand the grief and heartache and the missing of friends and loved ones who died in that tragedy, but as Mom also said: it's been two years almost. I know it still hurts, but can't you let them be the heroes and innocents they are and celebrate their lives? For that matter, would they want you to hold on to your anger and blame the government for their deaths? If there's anyone you should be mad at, it's the terrorists who plotted this and committed suicide while taking thousands of innocent lives with them. Believe me, I wanted them to burn in Hell for what they did, and they will.
Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead.
~Scottish Proverb~

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moon phase


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