Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
"Shiloh Needs To Clean Her Desk!"
01-21-2002 E 7:25 p.m.
I am very blah today. I feel like I'm getting a flu or something. I hope not. But Kami and Mom have not been feeling very well so...

I'm supposed to be tidying up my desk. The guy from the State is coming Thursday, I think, to inspect the house so Mom can certify for the home care program to continue getting paid for helping me. I think it's stupid personally we need to do this as I plan on moving to Utah as soon as I can after graduation. So really, we'll only be on this program for a few months, perhaps several. And Grandma is going to an assisted care living center in the spring so I just don't see a good long-term reason to go through all the trouble and work we gone through just to follow the stupid State's rule. (As you can tell from this and past entries if you've read them, I'm sick of the State.)

It was a good thing today was a holiday--Martin Luthur King, Jr. Day--because it was a blizzard just about. It was snowing with high winds and very cold. The new R.N. for the agency Mom works through and who oversees the care providers' paperwork canceled our appointment today. The roads were bad.

I knew she was coming sometime soon, but had not been informed of the time. So once again, like last Friday, I had to call and reschedule physical therapy because the nurse was to be here 15 minutes after I was to be at the hospital. The irony is as I said, the nurse called (an hour and a half later) to cancel. I could have kept my therapy session. But I was kinda glad I had no therapy. I didn't want to go out in that weather!

I'm still finding it hard ta concentrate on studying. Last semester it wasn't hard to study. It wasn't really reading. It was mainly a brief read and copying examples from the books in both classes from exercises assigned. This semester is straight reading. The chapters are anywhere from 20-40 pages long. =os The eyes start to glaze over half an hour into it. It also didn't help with Aubree trying to boss and act like the adult: "Clean your desk! Clean your desk."

Ggrr. Yes "Mother." She has this equality thing, irregardless of age, anything you do she can do too. She loves to boss. Typical for a control freak. And if you're not an authority figure she'll recognize, you're nothing when it comes to trying to correct her. *sigh* Please Father, don't give me a child like her. Please! I need someone who can be reasoned with.

All afternoon she has slipped in whenever she could that my room needs cleaned. Who's the 26-year-old here and who's the 11-year-old, huh? I try to remember that and keep to myself. Nine times outta ten if I'm around her for more than an hour we start fighting. And I hate the feeling of sinking to her mentality level.

"Shiloh's gotta clean her desk!" she singsongs with a knowing smirk on her elven face. Ok I better stop here before I gather steam.

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