Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Week In a Nutshell
09-04/05-2003 E 12:09 p.m.
Ay yai yai, I ache, but then I've been concentrating hard the last few days. That's the reason I haven't been updating. I finally got my "new" and improved computer back and discovered that that serious virus that could lurk on any site did indeed get my puter. It wasn't just old age and much use after all. So, I've been reinstalling and redownloading the programs the technician hadn't been able to save. And readjusting my personal settings for both my browser and the desktop.

I am now updated to Win 98 and have been discovering the advantages it has, as opposed to Win 95. Hehe. The guy was able to save and transfer a lot. But I also lost a lost thanks to the virus. My book notes and writings, the images I'd created and/or saved, the dream journal I'd so lamented over before Heather retrieved it for me, my MP3 files and a few other less important programs...

I've almost got things situated the way I like/had them. But retrieving certain fonts I naturally had before is proving to be quite the challenge. Why is it so hard to find a free download of Old English Text MT, Dolphin and Monotype Sorts?? Or for that matter, Freehand 591 what-have-you. Heather, I think I just may have you send me some of zee fonts on your computer in zip files. I mean, man, I spent hours searching for free downloads of those three fonts! My only problem now is being unable to access the drive or files from my old hard drive. But I'll call the tech and see how I can access those.

Welp, it looks like Nana is coming on the 22nd. It seems like ages since we last saw her and Paw Paw at Michael and Jen's wedding two years ago.

"What are you doing in September?" she asked when she phoned Monday.

Caught off guard, my brain halted in mid process. "Uuhh, wweell, right now I'm doing a puzzle..."

"How fun..." she replied then we talked of it before she enigmatically asked, "What's the name of that Italian restaurant there in town?"

Confused and intrigued with suspicions starting to bloom, I answered back, "Spencer's Oseteria?"

At this, I was beginning ta wonder if she was somehow already in town, ready ta spring a surprise visit on us. But no.

"Well let's go there, ok?" Nan decided and then told me briefly of her plans to borrow my aunt's car to drive up here for a couple days. So, we've got her visit to look forward to! *smiles*

Bare with me a bit longer, *chuckles* cuz I've a bit more to say after almost a week of silence. Remember this Friday Five? I started thinking, and though I'm quite sure my life will never be made into a movie, it would be fun to have a "soundtrack" to it. So...I've decided to gather the songs I listed and possibly others that coincide with my life better. Hopefully my brother, Jonny-boy, will help me burn it. (That is such a weird term for making or copying a CD, isn't it?)

Mom and I went and bumped around I.F. Tuesday (ha ha, after I made the comment here that she hadn't done a whole lot with me this summer *laughs*). We had fun, first eating at Chili's (yum yum) then off to Shopko, the mall and of course, *grins* Barnes and Noble. At Shopko we gave in to our inner little girls and walked down the toy aisles. That walk is the closest I'll ever come to reliving my childhood. Almost everywhere I looked new yet fond and familiar ghosts from that time peered out at me from their updated packaging. Strawberry Shortcake and friends, the Care Bears, My Little Pony, He-Man and Skeletor even! A longing welled up within me.

"Mama, I wanna be a little girl again." I impetuously told her, caressing a box holding the new, hip version of Strawberry Shortcake and her pet cat.

The longing wasn't helped by her strawberry scent wafting through the cardboard container. I wanted my old dolls; I think her dress back then was cuter than the pants outfit she is seen in now.

Mom, who was kneeling by my me at my feet, looking at the dolls on the lowest shelf, smiled up at me fondly. "I wish you were too," she said, and I could almost hear her thoughts. Times were simpler then.

The longing was near fever pitch by the time we reached the shelf with the small plush Care Bears. I had to get one. I was past caring how odd it would look for a 28-year-old to be getting a child's toy, but hey c'mon! Surely the comeback of most of my toys this early after they were first hot shows how timeless they are, transcending a generation or two? Mom bought me a big-sized plush key chain of Wish Bear. She's so soft to the touch.

She wasn't my only indulgence. I found three more books by my new favorite author, Lynn Kurland. She deals in historical and time traveling romance. The thing about her that has me absolutely sold on her is that she writes her stories without including the steamy details in her love scenes. It's a much needed and refreshing change from all the smut out there. And she's one that you can't just put down.

I have more I could say, but this is long enough as it is. So I'll say bonsoir for now and save the rest for the morrow.
Normality is a curse for the weak.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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