Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Can Online Friends Be Real? Yes
07-11-2004 E 11:22 a.m.
I had determined to write every day this month, but then Kirk, the 4th of July and my birthday happened. As I told a friend yesterday, whom I met in Dland Chat awhile ago, I feel like I've been in a whirlwind. Or through one.

It's interesting how P-O-Y can be insightful at times and the chosen topic hits home. This week it's "Online Friends." *slight smile* Do you think a lasting relationship can be formed with someone you've never met in person? Is an online friend any different than a friend anywhere else?

I have had several online friends since my introduction to the World Wide Web and the ether that is cyberspace. Stephen (once upon a time). Evan (once upon a time). Lynda. Ruthann. Milo (I wonder if he still thinks of me?). *ponders that for a bit* Even though a couple have ended painfully, there's not one of these friendships I regret having. Stephen was my first and only relationship, yet he helped me gain wisdom and lose my naiveté. He taught me I need a partner, not an overgrown kid for a husband. He also taught me that I don't wanna settle, that not every man/guy treats women as ladies.

Evan took me for a roller coaster ride and proved he was too cowardly and small-minded to accept me as I am. But he taught me I had an inner strength far stronger or deeper than I knew I possessed. From him I discovered my own personal sunshine.

Ruthann became my adopted mom online. Lynda was a best friend and we still keep in touch via email. It was through her, indirectly, that I met my soul sister, my twin, Heather. I love her very much. In fact, I love all three of these women.

And Milo... *soft smile* He accepted me for me. Religion, disability and all. He joined the Navy's Aircrew. We lost touch for almost a year then he found me again. But with the Navy...he's gone AWOL on me again, because he's so busy and is without a computer. (I want my Milo back.)

The interesting thing is if Milo were a constant part of my life, Kirk wouldn't have...become a part of my life so fast. Or carried me away so quickly at Mach 12 speed. As I said before, I am amazed at how quickly and easily I let Kirk into my heart. I'd sworn off any more Internet romances; in fact, I'd given up on finding Mr. Right. I wasn't even looking for love. Yet Kirk has professed to wanting me, to loving me--even after knowing about the disability and seizures I have. He got me near believing all he's said. He certainly has convinced Heather he wants me. Enough so that she believes I should have faith in Kirk and myself and give us a chance. But because I've been burned before, by Stephen...and Evan, I'm not as quick to trust and believe. I won't follow in the same pattern, and I'm waiting each day for the shoe to drop. As much as I want him to be real and sincere, each day I expect to see a decline in his... *searches for the word* ...declarations...and/or hear how he can't do this anymore. But so far it hasn't happened. *knocks on wood* It might yet though.

And even if it does--which I sincerely hope it doesn't--I know I will be fine. Besides being strong and knowing my soulmate is out there somewhere, there's one thing different about this time than with Stephen: I have Heather. She will be there and watch my back--and burn a hapless stuffed animal in effigy of Kirk if he turns out to be false.

So, can online friendships last? I think so. They're just like any other relationship--to degree. You have to work at them to make them work, to help them last. Yet, at the same time these friendships are different. They were formed in another environment entirely. One that forces people to get to know each other by personality first--unless you, or they, are lying, of course. But hey, that's a danger even in face-to-face friendships. And now that I think about it, my friendship with Heather was mostly and firstly forged here on the Internet. Sure, we hung out from time to time and still do whenever we both have free time, but it's been from talking on the net nearly every day that our friendship has grown the most. Yes, online friends are real and their friendships can last. After all, I've found my soul sister and I have her for eternity.

All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince.

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