Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Are We Where We Need to Be?
08-03-2003 E 4:57 p.m.
Ok...Sunday. This will actually be the second Sunday in a row that I've been to church in a long time. Not that I deliberately missed going to church, it's just that...when some things conspire to keep you at home for a while you don't readily see you're slippin' in to a pattern after a while. It's really easy to become inactive even if you don't mean to.

With me, it first started with the van breaking down. Oh sure, I could have "walked" over as it's not too far, but it was early spring (I think) and it was rainy off and on. Then there were the seizures. It was just so easy in my emotional and achy state to say I was staying home. Then of course, there's the sleeping-in excuse and missing part of church. Pretty soon you suddenly realize three or months down zee road you've only been to church four or five times total in those three or four months.

Heather's friend *J* has been home this summer taking courses and working until the fall semester starts at Utah State. As mentioned before, way back when I barely knew her (still don't really know her, but am slowly getting to know *J*), I wasn't too impressed with and really didn't think I cared for her all that much. We'd talk once in a while, but it was nothing that would spark a friendship. But since we both had been thinking of trying a student ward and neither one of us wanted to go it alone, I suggested we go together. I figured I should give *J* the benefit of the doubt, and really, what could it hurt? Nothing.

This was at the beginning of July, and since we've only been twice we've not been totally successful at getting together. But the point is we have gone. And I've gotten the chance to get to know her a lil and reform my opinion.

I guess in my roundabout way I'm saying I've enjoyed the last two Sundays somewhat and I've learned! My spirit, when I've paid attention, has been fed by the things taught. Aubree has thrown disapproving looks and comments my way off and on when she's found out I haven't gone to church and, even though she's been a lil bit better about going than I have but has been in the same state as me, Mom's given me severe looks with the chastisement, "You've maybe gone to church four times in the last year."

Um yeah, I have and I'm not proud of it. I'm not proud of the fact that it's become so easy to sleep in and miss church. Church is actually and can be a wonderful place to be. And you don't realize how much you miss it or the fellowship you feel there until you return. Somebody at church said something about all we need to know sometimes is a simple "yes" or "no" from the Lord. "Yes, you need to be here." "No, that is not where you belong." And then, they asked a rhetorical question: do we know where we need to be?

All I know is on Sunday, we need/should be at church, properly showing respect and worshipping the Lord. I don't know if that ward is where I ought to be every week, but I do know this much in addition to my 1st statement, I needed to be there today. Many things that were said or sparked some reaction in me left their impression and were things I needed to hear or were things echoing in my mind. For the first time in a long while I felt...edified, like the Lord was talking to me, reminding me of things. Teaching me.

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