Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Johnny Depp's Personal Spell
08-02-2003 E 6:05 p.m.
No Friday Five this week for me. The questions did not pique me interest. =os

*looks at screen* How ironic. Yesterday when I couldn't get online, I had a whole brainload of thoughts to jot down and now...not one semi-interesting thing I thought of then come to mind. Either that or I've lost interest. But you'll be happy to note, I've mellowed.

Johnny Depp has that effect on a girl. Or most girls or women I know. I don't know what his spell is exactly, but... Oh sure, he's wwwaayy easy on the eyes, and that's part of it, but he has more to his attraction than just good looks. I can't quite define it exactly, but there's just something about him. If he were a person living in Piers Anthony's world of Xanth, where each citizen has their own unique magical talent, this...whatever...would be Johnny's.

Yes, Mom and I went to the Pirates of the Caribbean, but we went yesterday, to the matinee. And guess what? We got in free!! So it was good all around. I really liked the humor and the story was interesting. The whole movie was based off the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland(?). Johnny played Captain Jack Sparrow, former and displaced captain of the Black Pearl. People called him the worst pirate ever 'cause of the bad breaks (luck) that came his way, but actually there was a method to his so-called madness that was revealed once the whole picture became clear. You then realized he knew exactly what he was doing. He carried the show basically with his portrayal, along with the romance between Orlando Bloom and Keira...what's-her-face.

It was a good show; go see it.

Today was my 10-year high school reunion. As you may remember, I had every intention of going, but upon further investigation I learned it was up at Lava Hot Springs for the day activity, then back at the high school for dinner and a "victory dance" deejayed by Wayne Richards, a radio personality for KLCE 97. I'm not one for dances (fer the obvious reason), and in addition to the $25-35 for our dinner it's $10 smackeroos for the dance. So, a single person would be spending more than $50 for this reunion! A couple or a family even more! We all know I don't have that kind of money.

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to go and just be a fly on the wall, observing other people. But there was no way I was even, voluntarily, going to pay that much for a one-day reunion! It wasn't worth it.

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