Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Am Probably Being Na�ve and Immature
01-18-2003 E 5:40 p.m.
*hold on Aubree's asking a question*

I am not in the mood for this, but I don't wanna do it later so I guess it's now.

Mom and Dad flew the coop--again--down to Price to see Kami play b-ball. They'll be back tomorrow.

Have you noticed the trend tv's taken? "Real life" dramas? Road Rules, The Surreal Life, My Life As a Sitcom, High School Reunion and a few others. Personally, I don't see the attraction, other than a once in a lifetime shot at being on tv. Sure, that could be exciting, if you like being in the limelight, but the quality of these shows is highly questionable in my opinion. They add to the trash on tv already. And besides I was never captivated by people sitting in front of a camera and voicing their prejudices or hate or perhaps infatuation for the people they are living with for the next nine months or so. I guess the attraction is because it is REAL LIFE, not some cute fiction story. But couldn't they, if "Real Life" dramas are all the rage, have a show that's less...gritty? Or am I being terribly na�ve in that request and in my thinking that not all life is...for lack of a better woird, gritty?

I think I will end here because I'm not in the mood for more, and I need to cool down from a blow up with Aubree. She's mad because her plans with her friends fell through, and she's taking her mood out on me as I'm the nearest person. (I really need an apartment.) She just doesn't wanna listen to anythang I say, because I don't know her problems and, according to her, I'm yelling. Ha! She's not the only one who had plans fall through with friends. But do you see me pouting and acting like a bear to everyone else? No! Plus, she has the tv on 37 or 38 (in volume). So I was naturally trying to compete. And I was not yelling. Until I gave her a demonstration.

"THIS IS YELLING!!!! Now can you say I was yelling before?"

I can't win for losing with this girl. I was in the wrong for the demonstration. Heck, Dad's done the same thing to her when she's accused him of yelling at her. Nothing fazes her. Nothing. I was being immature. I "ran" into her leg. Ha! I drove to the tv to turn it down and she leapt from the couch and reached it a milisecond after I did. And I'm the one who is the child, who is chastised by a younger sister no less. And she's Miss Wronged, Miss Innocent.

Perhaps I was a bit immature in handling the situation, I'm not so blind to my own faults that I can't see that. I'll even own up to a bit of immaturity. After all, I am 27 and she's 12--albeit an immature one. But I'll be danged if I take the sole blame. My two mistakes were in trying to help her see she was wrongly taking her anger out on me and demonstrating the yelling part. I dunno why it is so hard for the two of us to get along. I really don't. We're sisters and should be able to get along better than we do. But we don't. Part of it, I guess, is how she treats and talks to me.

I guess one good thing about each argument is I learn a lil bit more in how not to handle her. But I wish she would get off her high pedestal and realize the Universe doesn't revolve around Her Spoiled Brattiness. It revolves around whatever it revolves around and the planets revolve around the sun.
Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
~Ralph Marston~

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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